WPF: Checking internet connection

Create class ConnectionInternet and add " Using Windows.Networking.Connectivity.

      public class ConnectToInternet  
                 public bool _ConnectInternet()      
                 ConnectionProfile internetprofile = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();      
                 if (internetprofile == null)      
                 return false;      
                 var level = internetprofile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel();      
                 return level == NetworkConnectivityLevel.InternetAccess;      

We finished the part class. Now, we will come back to xaml.cs

MainPage class or NavigationHelper_LoadState. We will check the internet here.

      if (ConnectToInternet._ConnectToInternet())  
                 /*Here code*/      
                 Messages._ShowMessages("Verify you internet connection!!!");      

Messages._ShowMessages is one class to show error.