SharePoint 2013 Troubleshooting: Version comment is blank in a document library


When you check-in back a document and enter comment in the version history you see you comments are not saved


 There is no error message, it’s just version comments are missing.


 on some of the site when version is enabled and require check-out before you edit a document is enabled you see that when you write comments in version and reading versions history versions are there but their associated comments are not there.


We check-out on other document libraries and this problem was across.

We disabled version on a particular library and saw not difference.

We disabled require document to be checkout and saw no difference.

Set-up another document library with same features enabled and problem was there.

I noticed this is wider problem them expected.


Found a hotfix published by MS on October, 2013 has listed about the issue.

This hotfix also does talks about many other related issue.

Alternatively installing cumulative update this could also resolve the problem.

Prerequisites for the above KB is

Read at my blog:

Applies to

 SharePoint Server 2013.