Calendar Analytics for PowerPivot: Known Issues 2

This Wiki article documents some known issues with version 1.0 of Calendar Analytics.

There is a new Wiki article for version 2.0 Calendar Analytics.  The new Wiki article outlines new features, bug fixes, and Office 15 compatibility in version 2.0 found here:

You can download the latest version of Calendar Analytics from:

"Exceptions downloading..." message box

After clicking the Refresh Calendar button and walking through dialogs, a message box may appear after downloading calendar items:
"Exceptions downloading 3 of 427 meetings for:"

The specified number of calendar items did not download correctly. Some unknown characteristic of the calendar item has caused Calendar Analytics to not download the item. One possible cause is that the calendar item does not have an Organizer specified, which is required by Calendar Analytics.

Click OK and continue by going to the PowerPivot tab and clicking Update All, and then go to the Data tab and click Refresh All. The specified number of meetings in the message box will not be included in the dashboard.

"The email address ________ is not the primary SMTP address." message box

You entered in an alias in the Alias List dialog box, and when you click Next and the following error message displays

"The email address is not the primary SMTP address."

It is possible that the person that you entered has multiple email addresses.

Find out if they have an alternate email address, for example "John.Doe" rather than "JohnD".

User Feedback: I have both *and janed as alias entered. No dice. Still returns either the message that my email address is "not the primary SMTP address" ...restarting computer didn't help.


Calendar Analytics fails to install after installation reboot

You ran the CalendarAnalytics.exe setup program and prerequisites such as VSTO Runtime and .NET Framework has prompted you to reboot. After the reboot, an error message appears stating that Windows Installer cannot find the .MSI.

In some instances, such as installing from a Shared drive or USB Drive, Windows Installer does not copy the .MSI to the Windows temp folder.

Re-run the CalendarAnalytics.exe setup program after the reboot.

"Days Out of Office" field on "What" worksheet is not accurate

The "Days Out of Office" field on "What" worksheet does not always give the expected result.

This field was misnamed. The appropriate field description is "Out of Office Meetings".

Select the cell with Days Out of Office and type "Out of Office Meetings".

ALERT: Incomplete Calendar Download

You clicked the Refresh Calendar button on the What tab of the Calendar Analytics spreadsheet. You entered your email address as it is for the Exchange Server. You entered the the current month for your Start and End dates and did not enter any other alias. You then receive a box that the calendar download was incomplete and the following dates were skipped: all query dates are listed.

There may be an issue with your Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Web Services configuration.

Ensure that Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is installed and configured correctly with Exchange Web Services. Please contact Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services support for assistance.

ERROR: Communication - Autodiscover service could not be contacted ...

You entered your email address, checked the Office 365 box, and provided your password. After walking through the steps you received the error message "Communication - Autodiscover service could not be contacted..."

There might be an issue with your Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Web Services configuration.

Ensure that Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 is installed and configured correctly with Exchange Web Services. Please contact Exchange Server or Exchange Web Services support for assistance. You can also try installing Calendar Analytics on a different computer that is not on the same domain as your Exchange Server. For example, if you are and your email address is an Office 365 account, try installing on a machine that is not on the REDMOND domain.

"Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'string'." messagebox

After clicking the Refresh Calendar button and walking through dialogs, a message box may appear while downloading calendar items stating: "Cannot implicility convert type 'double' to 'string'".

Excel is treating one of your "Categories" as a numeric data type rather than a string.

Format all of the cells in the "Categories" worksheet as "Text" and try again.