Windows Server 2012: Installation and Configuration of DHCP Server and create a Scope.

After the installation of Windows server, give a static IP address to the network adapter, download and install all the relevant updates from microsoft update site.

Before installing the DHCP role, we'll have to make that machine part our domain by joining to the Active directory domain services.while doing this, also change the computer name from WINGHYJ215FDRT to something like dhcpsrv, restart the computer and log back with enterprise admin Domainname\administrator

Start the Server Manager  and click on **Manage **and select  Add Roles and Features

Its a Role Based installation and Next>>

Below shows, what machine is that , this installation will be made on . as I mentioned earlier I am installing this role on my DC . you can install on same or  different machine and click Next>>

and select/check DHCP Server

There are additional features that going to be installed by selecting DHCP server role and Click on Add Features

Click on Next >>>

No Additional features to be selected, just leave everything as it is... and Next>>

Below information is about  what DHCP server does, how it assigns  IP addresses to clients/computers etc. just the brief and useful info is there. Read and Next>>


You can check below checkbox or leave empty and click on Install.

and wait until the installation completed...

Ok Now we have installed our DHCP server role successfully... lets look on how to configure our server that it can start assigning IP addresses to client computers on our network.

Click on Complete DHCP Configuration link on the wizard.

it describe that below security groups will be created for delegation and get authorized our DHCP server by our Domain Controller.

Click Next>>


as we are already member of the domain, the default username(Enterprise Administrator) selected. and click on Commit

We have now successfully authorized our DHCP server and security groups are created, in users and computers OU in DC.

Lets Create a Scope that our DHCP server can start given out the IP address ranges we want.

Go to the Tools Menu on Server Manager and select DHCP

When you see Green tick by the IPv4 and IPv6 , that means Our DHCP server is up and running.


I am using IPv4 therefore right click on IPv4 and expand it, Choose New Scope


Read the below information and click on Next>>

We have to give a Name and Description for our scope  that we can  easily identify our scope. I am using like below, you can use any name you wish, as it doesn't effect to our operation.

Now we have to give an IP address range for our scope. its recommended that to use 254 ip address but cant include 0 and 255  as I am using C class  24 bit IP there for DHCP server can only distribute 254 IP addresses from this IP group. Also You can only have ONE IP RANGE from each IP GROUP. also Click On Next


On here we have to exclude the IP addresses that we dont want our DHCP to hand out. This IP addresses can be our DC's , Mail server's, Exchange  Server's for any member server that  we have statically assigned IP address. and click on Next

in default, DHCP server leases IP addresses to clients for 8 days ( you can increase or decrease this period) .

There are  4 steps that between DHCP server and client computers for obtaining IP addresses Dynamically.


D  iscovery ( Client sends Broadcast packet to network,Looking for DHCP server) Broadcast Packet

**O  ffer  **      ( if DHCP server is available, It will response back with an Offer of an available ip address and Reserves that  ıp for that client some times) Broadcast Packet

R  equest   ( Then Client Makes a request saying .Great Can I have that IP address?) Broadcast Packet

A  ctKnowladge (Then DHCP server gives a response that, OK you can have that IP address for certain days or hours (depends on your lease settings), 

Broadcast packet


Once the client has a Dynamic IP from DHCP server, it will use it for 50% of the given period then client sends a unicast packet and  request extension of leasing period  again. if the client cant get any response from DHCP  for any reason, it wıll use  previously given period up to 87.5% then retry one more time, if still no response, it will use 100% of leasing period then release the IP address and starting DORA process from the beginning by sending out Broadcast packets

Click Next

We have to configure DHCP option  that DHCP server can also give out our Gateway address , DNS server address etc. and click on next

in here we have to tell DHCP server to assign our Router's IP address for this scope ( Gateway Address)

if we have only one DNS server we can leave this as its or more then 1 DNS server we have to add that in

Add in if you have any WINS server available on your network, if not leave it blank

Yes to activate this scope click Next and Finish.

Lets see our Scopes and status of them. make sure they are active otherwise DHCP wont be able to hand them out

Lets jump back on our client PC, as you see our client received ıp from dhcp server and have communication with other clients/ servers on the network.

Just to double check our dynamicly assigned IP address was given out by DHCP.


As you see we have our first client who has recieved ıp from DHCP