Open File Dialog Window PowerShell don't appear

Open File Dialog Window PowerShell don't appear


This TechNet Wiki is based on the TechNet Forum Post.
Powershell: Script won't open explorer window to browse for .csv file


The Open File Dialog box is not appearing when we execute the below code

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$fd = New-Object
$fd.InitialDirectory = 'C:\Temp'
$fd.MultiSelect = $false
$fd.Filter = '(*.csv) | *.csv'

No errors but does nothing.


This is not a code issue but a threading issue. The dialog box will not appear in MTA mode. In PSV2 the PowerShell Console is MTA by default. The same code works fine in ISE because it's STA.

How to check the threading mode?

If this returns MTA the above code will not work. In latest version of PowerShell this works fine as expected.


Open PowerShell Console and run the below code

powershell.exe -sta -File C:\Code.PS1