SCOM: Data Types

State Data: State data written directly to the data warehouse summarizes by object the time that object was in a specific state. This information is aggregated into units of hours and sub-hours.

Performance Data: Performance data is transferred directly to the data warehouse and is available in daily and hourly aggregates and with calculated minimum, maximum, average values, and standard deviation.

Discovery Data: There are two types of items that are discoverable, objects and object properties. The data warehouse stores discovery data and tracks changed values.

Objects: Objects are discovered according to Management Pack discovery rules and are sequentially stored in the data warehouse. The data warehouse tracks the time when an object becomes actively managed and the time when they are no longer actively managed. This enables the user to search for objects that are no longer actively monitored by OpsMgr.

Object Properties: Object properties are discovered according to Management Pack discovery rules.

Event Data: Event data is stored directly in the data warehouse. Event data includes details and parameters (parameters are the variables used to create the description of the event). No aggregation or summarization is performed.