Handling events in WPF in an easy and short hand way

I would talk about the WPF events and how to handle them easily, perhaps you might already know how to handle them; XAML gives you a lot of good handy functions, but there are a lot of other good ways of doing the same.

Events in WPF

Events in WPF are similar to what we had in Console and Windows Forms. They provide us with notifications and procedures to handle the business logic based on what state of application is. They allow us to manage what to happen when the application is starting, what to do when the application is closing and when the user interacts with the application.

Interaction includes the button clicks, input value change, window resize and many other similar processes that can be handled to ensure that our business logic is always applied. Validation and other checks can be easily applied to check the values.

Handling the events

Although handling the events is another function, thus we require a function to perform (or get triggered) when a certain event is triggered.

Note: Please note that I would be using Visual C# for this article’s purpose, it would be different as to what VB.NET would provide you as intuition and library resource, so try to follow Visual C# and not VB.NET at the moment.

In C#, you can handle the event, by attaching a function to it. It is similar to say, “When this happens, do that“. You tell your application to perform an action when something happens. The similar action is perform when a new email is received in your email clients, or when download is complete; if notification gets raised for that download complete. The attachment of the event to another function is pretty much simple, the only thing to worry is the required dependencies (the parameters or values or objects required to handle the event).

Look at the following code,

<Button Click="handleEvent">Click me</Button>

The above code is a XAML code (remember we are in WPF), the function to handle the event would be like this,

void handleEvent(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
   // 1. sender is the Button object, cast it
   // 2. e contains the related properties for the Click
   // Code here... Any code!

Now, the function handleEvent is attached to the Click event of the Button object. Remember that event needs to be raised in order to trigger that function.

Pretty much easy it is to handle the events in WPF, just embed the code in the XAML markup, and Visual Studio would generate the back-end code. Write what you want to be done and you’re good to go!

Using back-end code

As, you know you can do anything with back-end code. You can also attach the event handler to the control’s event using the back-end code. In this section, I would explain how can you do that using back-end code.

Since we used Button for previous example, I would use the same for this one. Attaching the event is as easy as 1, 2, 3…

button.Click += handleEvent; // 1. Attach the handler
void handleEvent(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 2. Generate the body of the function
   // Handle the event

Step 3 is the click event that is performed by the user. ;)

Easy isn’t it? (IMO, it is not! Look in the next section to make it even better!)

Simple way…

This section is the actual section, which I wanted to talk about. The simple way to handle the events in WPF. It uses the lambda expression, to generate the delegate functions which in turn are executed when the event gets raised. If you are unclear as to what lambda expression or delegate functions are, I would suggest that before continuing, you learn them from the links I have provided. :)

A very simple way (IMO) to handle the event in WPF is like this,

myButton.Click += (sender, e) => 
   // Handle the event

Notice the above expressions. It is a simple lambda expression, being resolved as a delegate function with two paramters (sender and e). The parameters are required by the event handler itself, so that is why we need to pass them.

Points of Interest

The above is the simplest way anyone can handle the event in WPF and is a very much short hand, because you leave everything to the context of the object itself. You skip one more step for casting the object, you also don’t have to create different functions with different appended names such as, “myButton_Click”, “myButton_MouseEnter”. All you need to do is just create a lambda expression and use it as the event handler. Pretty much simple isn’t it?

That’s all for now. :) I hope, I might have helped you out in making programming WPF applications easier. I would post more of such helpful tips for WPF developers soon. :) Stay tuned.