Customize OWA in Exchange 2013

In this document we will be putting text below Sign in page of Exchange 2013 OWA and remove default check mark of Private Login.
We will be making changes to logon.aspx and logon.css, Please make a copy of these before making any changes.

For now there is no screenshot mentioned in this document, I will be putting attachments later on.

1)     Enable Private Login

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory “ServerName\owa (Default Web Site)” -LogonPagePublicPrivateSelectionEnabled $True

2)     By default Private login is checked, It can be unchecked using below :-

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\owa\auth and open  Logon.aspx in text editor and search for ‘chkPrvt’ and remove checked

<input id="chkPrvt" onclick="clkSec()" name="trusted" value="4" type="checkbox" checked role="checkbox" aria-labelledby="privateLabel"/>

And how it looks after deleting checked:

<input id="chkPrvt" onclick="clkSec()" name="trusted" value="4" type="checkbox" role="checkbox" aria-labelledby="privateLabel"/>

3) You can take help of below article to change the logo on the page :-

Ref -

4) Specify text below sign-in button :-
Ref -

a)     Navigate to location ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\owa\auth’and open logon.aspx in text editor and search for ‘hidden-submit’. Hit enter at the end of the line and paste below lines:-

        <div class="disclaimer"><p><b>Warning</b>: The right to use this site

            is limited to employees and contractors. Violators will be prosecuted

            according to federal and state law.



            <b>Reminder</b>: Please call ServiceDesk for any Help or question.


b) b)     Navigate to location ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\owa\auth\15.0.995\themes\resources’ and open logon.css in text editor and put below line at the end of file, This is to do formatting of the text of above text.






    font-family:'Segoe UI WPC','Segoe UI',Tahoma,'Microsoft Sans Serif',Verdana,sans-serif;




.tnarrow .disclaimer





.twide .disclaimer





C) IISReset on server

5. Verification :-

Login to the server where we made changes and  open browser and check open below url,
