ASP.Net 4.6 CRUD Using MySQL with SP and Helper Class


This article explains in detail how to insert/update/delete and select data from a MySQL database using a helper class and Stored Procedure using ASP.Net 4.6.


Visual Studio 2015: You can download it from Visual Studio (in my example I have used Visual Studio Community 2015 RC).

MySQL: The reason why I have used MySQL is it's open source. For study and small project purposes we can use MySQL. You can download MySQL from their website.

Download MySQL Installer

I have used mysql-installer-community- (Windows Installer).

You also need to download and install MySQL Connector for .NET that is available here:

Download Connector/Net

In this article, we will see the following.

  • Introduction to ASP.NET 5.
  • Create Table and Stored Procedure in MySQL Database.
  • Creating MySQL helper Class for ASP.NET 5.
  • Create a simple Webform website for performing CRUD operation for MySQL Database. 

Building the Sample

Introduction to ASP.NET 5

I began working with Visual Studio 2003 (V1.1) and today we have reached Visual Studio 2015 (V4.6). Working with web projects will always make us energetic. Let's see few important and new features available in ASP.NET 5.

ASP.NET 5 is:

  • Cross-platform (Windows, Mac and Linux)
  • Faster Development Cycle
  • Open Source
  • Easy to create cloud-based web applications

To learn more in detail about ASP.NET 5, refer to the following links.

Create Table in MySQL: Let us see how to write a query for creating a table and inserting a sample record.

After MySQL has been installed, open it.

Click on the local instance of MySQL, then enter your MySQL password and press Enter.

After successful login to MySQL, we can see an editor where we can write our queries or create a Stored Procedure and so on.


Creating ItemMaster Table: let's create a simple ItemMaster table. This table will be used to do all our CRUD operations from our ASP.NET 5 web application.
First we create a database and we create our ItemMaster table inside our InventoryManagement database.

CREATE DATABASE  InvnetoryManagement;

In the editor, select the query to be executed and press the symbol from the editor. For example now if I want to select my database then I will write the query.

Use Database

Here we can see I have selected the query "use Inventorymanagement" and then press the something. In the output window we can see the result is success with the Green icon. If it has an error then it will display the error icon.
In the same way next is our create table query. We write our query and execute it similarly.

Create table Item Master

Item_Name  varchar(100)  NOT NULL, 
Price int, 
TAX1 int, 
Description varchar(100) , 
IN_DATE datetime, 
IN_USR_ID varchar(50) ,  
DeleteStatus varchar(10), 
PRIMARY KEY  (Item_Code) 

Now let's insert some sample records using the insert query.

Insert sample Record to Univ Master

-- Insert sample Record to Univ Master 
insert into  ItemMaster(Item_Name,Price,TAX1,Description,IN_DATE,IN_USR_ID,DeleteStatus)  values  ('headPhone',600,2,'head Phone',now(),'SHANU','N'); 
insert into  ItemMaster(Item_Name,Price,TAX1,Description,IN_DATE,IN_USR_ID,DeleteStatus)  values  ('Mouse',30,0,'Mousee',now(),'SHANU','N');

 Execute all the queries one-by-one and test with a select query. 

**NOTE :**In attached Zip file you can find the MYSQL Script folder copay all the script and execute one by one.

Create our First ASP.NET  Web Application

After installing our Visual Studio 2015, click Start then select Programs then select Visual Studio 2015. Click Visual Studio 2015 RC(In this demo i have Used Visual Studio 2015 RC.Now you can download and use the same with latest Visual Studio 2015).



Click New -> Project then select Web -> ASP.NET Web Application. Select your project's location and enter your web application name.

Select Web Forms and click OK. Since we are developing our ASP.NET web form here we select Web Forms.

After creating our website we can create a class file for our “MySQLHelper” class and “BizLogic” class.


I have created both classes inside a folder as in the following.

First we need to add the “Mysql.Data.dll” file to our reference.

There are two ways to add the DLL.

The same as before, we use Visual Studio 2010 or 2008. Add a reference and select Mysql.Data.dll.

Another method is by adding from Manage NuGet packages.

Search for MySQL and click Install. It will add the MySQL.Data.dll to your reference.


“ShanuMySqlHelper.CS” this is the class that I used to create a helper class to connect to a MySQL database and do all ExecuteQuery, ExecuteNonQuery, return DataSet and DataTable. In this class I created a separate function for ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteQuery, return DataSet, Execute by Query, Execute by Stored Procedure and so on.

For example, here we can see a simple method that will be executed by a query and do the insert/update and delete actions using the ExecuteNonQuery method. To this method I will pass the query from my web application to our businsess classs and from the business class I will pass the query to this MySQL Helper class.

#region ExecuteNonQuery for insert/Update and Delete 
        //For Insert/Update/Delete 
        public int  ExecuteNonQuery_IUD(String Querys) 
            int result=0; 
            //open connection 
            if (OpenConnection() == true) 
                //create command and assign the query and connection from the constructor 
                MySqlCommand cmd = new  MySqlCommand(Querys, connection); 
                //Execute command 
                result= cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 
                //close connection 
            return result; 
Here is  another example to execute the Stored procedure and return the result as the Dataset. 
#region Dataset for Stored Procedure and return as DataTable 
        //for select result and return as DataTable 
        public DataSet SP_DataTable_return(String ProcName, params MySqlParameter[] commandParameters) 
            DataSet ds = new  DataSet(); 
            //open connection 
            if (OpenConnection() == true) 
                //for Select Query                
                MySqlCommand cmdSel = new  MySqlCommand(ProcName, connection); 
                cmdSel.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
                // Assign the provided values to these parameters based on parameter order 
                AssignParameterValues(commandParameters, commandParameters); 
                AttachParameters(cmdSel, commandParameters); 
                MySqlDataAdapter da = new  MySqlDataAdapter(cmdSel); 
                //close connection 
            return ds; 

Next is our “shanuBizClasscs”. Here this will be our Business Class from our webform. We pass all the queries and parameters to the Busness class and from the Business class we pass all the parameters and queries or SP to our MySQL helper class.

For example, here we can see I have created an object for our MysqlHelperclass and from the Business class method passed the Stored Procedure name and parameters to the helperclass method.

shanuMYSQLHelper.shanuMySqlHelper objDAL = new  shanuMYSQLHelper.shanuMySqlHelper(); 
        //All Business Method here 
public DataSet SelectList(String SP_NAME, SortedDictionary<string, string> sd) 
                return objDAL.SP_DataTable_return(SP_NAME, GetSdParameter(sd)); 
            catch (Exception ex) 
                throw ex; 

Design your web page and do CRUD Operations

In my sample application let's see:

  • How to search for an item by Item_Code and by Item_Name. Using Stored Procedure.
  • Add new Item to ItemMaster. Using Stored Procedure.
  • Edit Item from ItemMaster. Using Stored Procedure.
  • Delete item from ItemMaster. Using update Query. (For the delete, I will not delete the record from the table. Instead of deleting the record from the table, I have a field called DeleteStatus and by default during an insert I will use the status "N" for deletion that I will update to "Y".

**Search Item: An **item can be searched for by Item Code and by Item Name. In SQL Server we use % like to display all the records that start with the character. For MySQL we use CONCAT(TRIM(COLUMN_NAME),’%’).

Stored Procedure

The following is the Stored Procedure to search by ItemCode and Item Name:

-- Stored procedure to search by ItemCode and Item Name 
CREATE PROCEDURE  USP_SelectItemmaster(IN  P_ItemCode varchar(100),IN P_ItemName varchar(100)) 
    SELECT  Item_Code, 
            Item_Code like  CONCAT(TRIM(IFNULL(P_ItemCode, '')), '%')  
            and Item_Name like  CONCAT(TRIM(IFNULL(P_ItemName, '')), '%') 
            AND DeleteStatus='N'; 
END // 

**Search Button Click: **In the search button click we pass both the itemcode and Itemname TextBox value as parameter to the search Stored Procedure to return the result. 

protected void  btnSearch_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) 
//This Method is used for the search result bind in Grid 
        private void  SelectList() 
            SortedDictionary<string, string> sd = new  SortedDictionary<string, string>() { }; 
            sd.Add("@P_ItemCode", txtSitemCDE.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_ItemName", txtSItemNme.Text.Trim()); 
            DataSet ds = new  DataSet(); 
            ds = bizObj.SelectList("USP_SelectItemmaster", sd); 
            GridView1.DataSource = ds; 

 Add new Item to ItemMaster: By clicking the New Button I will display all the TextBoxes to get the user input to store new Item information to the MySQL Database.

Insert Stored Procedure: In the insert Stored Procedure I will check whether or not the ItemName already exists. If the Item Name exists then I will display the message to the user indicating the item already exists. If the item does not exist then I will insert the new Item record into the MySQL Database.

Insert Stored Procedure for Item master

-- Insert Stored Procedure for Item master 
CREATE PROCEDURE  USP_InsertItemmaster(IN  P_Item_Name varchar(100), 
IN P_Price int, 
IN P_TAX1 int, 
IN P_Description varchar(100), 
IN P_IN_USR_ID varchar(100) 
 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ItemMaster WHERE Item_Name=P_Item_Name and DeleteStatus='N') THEN
     insert into  ItemMaster(Item_Name, 
            values (P_Item_Name, 
                    select "inserted"  as "Result";  
 select "Exists"  as "Result";  
 ENd IF; 
END // 

**In save Button Click: **I will pass all the parameters to the Insert Stored Procedure.The Procedure function will return as a dataset. If the item is inserted, I will return the result “Inserted”. If the item already exists and is not inserted, then I will return the result “Exists”. Depending on the result, the following result will be displayed to the end user.

private void  InsertCall() 
            SortedDictionary<string, string> sd = new  SortedDictionary<string, string>() { };          
            sd.Add("@P_Item_Name", txtitemName.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_Price", txtPrice.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_TAX1", txtTax.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_Description", txtdescription.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_IN_USR_ID", txtuser.Text.Trim()); 
            DataSet ds = new  DataSet(); 
            ds =  bizObj.SelectList("USP_InsertItemmaster", sd); 
            if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) 
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() ==  "Exists") 
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "alert",  "alert('Item already Exist !')", true); 

Edit Item from ItemMaster: The user can edit an item by clicking edit item from the GridView. When the user clicks on the edit button; in the grid, I will change the New Icon to edit and in the Item Code, I will display the selected Item Code with other details. The user can update the details by the Item Code selected.

Update Stored Procedure for Item master 

-- Update Stored Procedure for Item master 
CREATE PROCEDURE  USP_UpdateItemmaster(IN  P_Item_Code int, 
IN P_Item_Name varchar(100), 
IN P_Price int, 
IN P_TAX1 int, 
IN P_Description varchar(100), 
IN P_IN_USR_ID varchar(100) 
 update ItemMaster SET 
                    TAX1=P_TAX1,                    Description=P_Description 
 where Item_Code=P_Item_Code; 
 select "updated"  as "Result";  
END // 

In save Button Click: I will pass all the parameters to the update Stored Procedure. After the update is complete, I will refresh the grid to see the changes.

private void UpdateCall() 
            SortedDictionary<string, string> sd = new SortedDictionary<string, string>() { }; 
            sd.Add("@P_Item_Code", txtitemCode.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_Item_Name", txtitemName.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_Price", txtPrice.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_TAX1", txtTax.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_Description", txtdescription.Text.Trim()); 
            sd.Add("@P_IN_USR_ID", txtuser.Text.Trim());  
            DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 
            ds =  bizObj.SelectList("USP_UpdateItemmaster", sd); 

**Delete Item from ItemMaster: **User can delete item by clicking delete item from the GridView. When user click on the delete button in grid the selected item will be deleted by ItemCode. For Delete, I will not delete the record from table. Instead of delete record from table, I have a field called DeleteStatus by default during insert I will use status as ‘N’ for deletion I will update as ‘Y’.Here we can see I have deleted our previous Item “Samsung Mobile S6”.

In Delete Button Click from Grid: For deleting, I don't use the Stored Procedure. For sample update query, I have used function deletestatus. In GridView rowCommand, I will check for the something. 

/ This method will delete the selected Rocord from DB 
        private void DeleteItem(String ItemCode) 
            int inserStatus = bizObj.ExecuteNonQuery_IUD("update ItemMaster SET DeleteStatus='Y' where Item_Code='" + ItemCode + "'"); 

In the Selectlist() stored procedure, I will select an item with DeleteStatus='N'. So, the deleted item will not bound again in the grid.
CSS File

I have added a bit of CSS to the root Site.css file and used the default MasterPage. If the CSS is not added to the MasterPage, then kindly add it. The CSS file can be found inside the folder Content in Visual Studio 2015.

Note: You can download the Source Code  from the link ** Source Code Download Link**