Create secure connection to EXO & MSOL and record all cmdlets / activities done by admins


You may wonder a situation how to secure the connection to Exchange Online PowerShell with my administrators since Exchange Online PowerShell doesn’t support Multi-factor authentication till now

I had similar situation and after lot of R&D I could come up with below script which helped me to achieve my goal

Script does 3 activity:

  1. One is to connect to Exchange online with encrypted password

  2. Second load PowerShell commands in secure way and

  3. Record all the activities done by Exchange Online Admins

You may please use this script in your test tenant first and move it to production as needed, in my case I put all my scripts in central shared location in NAS box and restricted the access logs, scripts by windows security so my admins will have access only to script READ permission and they won’t be able to edit / modify any content into it

Creating AES key with random data and export to file:

  • Open the PowerShell in your server as an administrator and follow below procedure

Command 1:

$KeyFile = "<share location UNC Path>\AES.key"

Command 2:

$Key = New-Object Byte[] 16

Command 3:


Command 4:

$Key | out-file $KeyFile

Creating SecureString object means secured password:

  • Open the PowerShell in your server as an administrator

  • And then proceed with below steps to create secured password and use it in below PowerShell script

Command 1:

$PasswordFile = "<share location UNC Path>\Password.txt"

Command 2:


$KeyFile = "<share location UNC Path>\AES.key"

Command 3:

$Key = Get-Content $KeyFile

Command 4:

$Password = "<TYPE THE PASSWORD OF SERVICE ACCOUNT HERE>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

Command 5:

$Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -key $Key | Out-File $PasswordFile

NOW THE ACTUAL SCRIP BEGINS, Please make sure you have AES.KEY & PASSWORD.TXT file generated already 


# Script does 3 activity. One is to connect to Exchange online with encrypted password, second load powershell commands in secure way and record all the activities done by Exchange Online Admins


# Office365Username - Mandatory - Administrator login ID for the tenant we are querying

# Office365Password - Mandatory - Encrypted password




# Setting the PowerShell background to "Dark Blue" Colour

$Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = ($bckgrnd = 'DarkBlue')


function start-Trans([switch]$debug)


# to see debuging information startTrans -debug



$debugPreference = "continue"

} #end if debug

$dte = [dateTime]::Get_Today().DayOfWeek.tostring()

write-debug $dte

$dte = $dte + "_" + [dateTime]::now.hour

$duser = $([Environment]::UserName)

write-debug $dte

if(([datetime]::now.toLocalTIme()) -match "AM")


Write-debug "Inside if ..."

$dte = $dte + "_AM"

write-debug $dte

} #end if...



write-debug "Inside else ..." 

$dte = $dte + "_PM"

write-debug $dte

} #end else

write-debug "Starting transcript ... <UNC Path>\dte.txt"

start-transcript -path "<UNC PATH>\duser$dte.txt"| Write-Host -ForegroundColor "DarkBlue"

} #end


#start-transcript -<TRANSCRIP PATH HERE>\([Environment]::UserName)$(get-date -format 'MMddyyyy').txt| Write-Host -ForegroundColor "DarkBlue"

Write-Host "Connecting to <TENANT NAME HERE> Secured Exchange Online PowerShell Administration" -ForegroundColor "magenta"

#Input of the user name to connect to YOUR TENANT Office 365 credential




$Key = Get-Content $KeyFile

$TenantCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $TenantUname, (Get-Content $TenantPass | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $key)

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $TenantCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

Import-PSSession $Session

Sleep 5


Write-Host "Connected to <UR TENANT NAME> secured Production Exchange Online PowerShell Administration, now connecting to MSOL service" -ForegroundColor magenta

Sleep 5


Import-Module MSOnline

Connect-Msolservice -Credential $TenantCred

Write-Host "Connected to <TENANT NAME> secured Production Exchange Online PowerShell Administration & also MSOL PowerShell administration, unauthorized use of this box will be reported as a security violence incident" -ForegroundColor magenta