.NET: How to prepare for a Interview – Freshers


This article will help freshers to prepare for an interview. In this article, i will be covering the frequently asked questions and topics in each category. So here I will be dividing the list of questions to Freshers.

If you are a fresher then the interviewer will not ask more advanced topics rather he will focus on the basics of .NET like .NET Framework and mainly Object Oriented Programming. Basics of ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET will be an added advantage.

So freshers can prepare following topics for a .NET interview –

  • Object Oriented Programming  
  • .NET Framework
  • C#
  • SQL

Frequently Asked Questions in Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming is the building block for .NET so the concepts of object oriented programming is very much mandatory for all the .NET developers to understand. 

Below are the possible questions of Object Oriented Programming can be asked for .NET Interviews –

  1.  What is Object Oriented Programming or OOPS?
  2. What is Abstraction in Object Oriented Programming?
  3.  What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
  4. What is Inheritance?
  5. What are the types of Inheritance?
  6. What is Polymorphism?
  7. List down the types of polymorphism?
  8. What is the difference between constructor and destructor?
  9. What is Interface and why to use it?
  10. What is the difference between Interface and Abstract Classes?
  11. What is access modifiers and list down all the access modifiers?
  12. What is the difference between override and new keywords?
  13. What is the difference between late binding and early binding?
  14. What is the default access modifier in a class?
  15. How to achieve multiple inheritance in .NET?
  16. How we can avoid the class from being inherited?
  17. What are the types of overloading?

Frequently Asked Questions in .NET Framework

These questions sometimes can be omitted by some of the interviewers as freshers will not be knowing everything about the Framework. 

Below are the possible interview questions in .NET Framework category –

  1. What is .NET Framework?   
  2. List out the components of .NET Framework?
  3. What are the new features in .NET Framework 4.5?
  4. What is Intermediate Language or IL?
  5. What is Managed Code?
  6. What is Unmanaged Code?
  7. What is Common Language Runtime or CLR?
  8. What is Garbage Collection?
  9. Why to use Garbage Collection?
  10. What are the methods used in .NET Framework for garbage collection?
  11. What is CTS?
  12. What is CLS?
  13. What is namespaces?
  14. What are the differences between Dispose() and Finalize() methods?
  15. What is assembly?
  16. What is Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?
  17. Which namespace is root for all fundamental types in .NET Framework?
  18. What are the functions of CLR in .NET Framework?
  19. Explain different types of assemblies?
  20. What is Assembly Manifest?

Frequently Asked Questions in 


This is another important topic what interviewer loves the most. Candidate can expect more questions from this topic.

Below are the possible interview questions in ADO.NET category –

  1. What is ADO.NET and Why to use it
  2. What are the differences between ADO and ADO.NET?
  3. What are the differences between Data reader and Data set?
  4. What is the use of connection object?
  5. What is Data Adapter?
  6. What is Data table?
  7. Which namespace can used to connect to SQL Server from ADO.NET?
  8. What is Connection and Command Objects?
  9. What are the data providers for in ADO.NET?
  10. What is Object Pooling?
  11. What is Data View?
  12. Why to use SqlCommand class?
  13. What are the benefits of using ADO.NET?
  14. What are the differences between ExecuteNonQuery vs ExecuteReader vs ExecuteScalar?
  15. What are the differences between OleDB and SQL providers?
  16. What is the significance of “CommandTimeout” property in SQLCommand?


This category is applicable for C# developers. So if the candidate is familiar with C-sharp below are the c# interview questions that can be asked or else if the candidate is familiar with VB.NET then the below questions can be asked with VB.NET syntax.

Below are the possible interview questions in C# category –

  1. What are the differences between String and StringBuilder in C#?
  2. What are the differences between Array and ArrayList in C#?
  3. Why to use “using” statement in C#?
  4. What are the differences between “Static” and “Const” keywords in C#?
  5. What is Exception handling in C#?
  6. What are the differences between “out” and “ref” parameters in C#?
  7. What is Jagged Arrays in C#?
  8. What are the differences between Value Types and Reference Types in C#?
  9. What is circular reference in C#?
  10. What are Generics in C#?
  11. What is Object Pooling in C#?
  12. What are the types of delegates in C#?
  13. What are the differences between delegates and events in C#?
  14. What are the differences between Dictionary and Hashtable in C#?
  15. What are the differences between Dictionary and List in C#?
  16. Why to use Enums in C#?
  17. Why to use Threading in C#?
  18. When to use Static Constructor in C#?
  19. What are Anonymous Types in C#?
  20. What are partial classes in C#?
  21. What are the differences between boxing and unboxing in C#?
  22. What are the differences between “break” and “continue” statements in C#?
  23. What are the possible loop types in C#?
  24. What are the methods used to read and write the contents to the file in C#?


If the fresher is familiar with ASP.NET then this will be asked.

Below are the possible interview questions in ASP.NET category –

  1. What is ASP.NET?
  2. Explain the application event handlers in ASP.NET
  3. What are the Web Form Events available in ASP.NET?
  4. What are different types of caching using cache object of ASP.NET?
  5. Explain the concept of Globalization and Localization?
  6. What are Satellite Assemblies?
  7. What is Post Back?
  8. Explain Session state management options in ASP.NET?
  9. What is the difference between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect ?
  10. What is application domain?
  11. How many types of validation controls are provided by ASP.NET ?
  12. What is the difference between Custom Control and User Control in ASP.NET?
  13. What you mean by Query String? What are its advantages and limitations?
  14. What is master page in ASP.NET?


If the fresher is familiar with ASP.NET MVC then this will be asked.

Below are the possible interview questions in ASP.NET MVC category –

  1. What is MVC?
  2. Explain Model, Controller and View in MVC?
  3. What is Separation of Concerns in ASP.NET MVC?
  4. What is Razor View Engine?
  5. What is the use of ViewModel in MVC?
  6. What is the meaning of Unobtrusive JavaScript?
  7. What is Routing in MVC?
  8. What are Actions in MVC?
  9. What is the difference between ViewBag and ViewData in MVC?
  10. What are HTML Helpers in MVC?
  11. What is Layout in MVC?
  12. Explain Sections is MVC?
  13. Explain RenderBody and RenderPage in MVC?
  14. Explain the methods used to render the views in MVC?
  15. What are the sub types of ActionResult?
  16. What are Non Action methods in MVC?
  17. What are Validation Annotations?
  18. Why to use Html.Partial in MVC?
  19. What is Html.RenderPartial?
  20. What is RouteConfig.cs in MVC 4?


This is optional. All Interviewer will not be asking this as it depends on the designation for which the interview is being taken.

Below are the possible interview questions in SQL category –

  1. What are the difference between “Where” and “Having” clause in Sql Server?
  2. What are the differences between primary key vs unique key vs foreign key in Sql Server?
  3. What is the use of “JOIN” in Sql Server?
  4. Explain the types of JOINS in Sql Server?
  5. Why to use Stored Procedures in Sql Server?
  6. List out some advantages and disadvantages of stored procedure in Sql Server?
  7. List out some differences between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
  8. List out the differences between Global and Local temp tables in Sql Server?
  9. List out the different types of locks available in Sql Server?
  10. What are the differences between Left join and Inner join in Sql Server?
  11. List out the differences between Clustered Index and Non Clustered Index in Sql Server?
  12. List the different types of collation sensitivities in Sql Server?
  13. Explain Mixed authentication mode of sql server?
  14. List out different types of normalizations in Sql Server and explain each of them?
  15. What does man by SQL Wildcard Characters in Sql Server?
  16. Explain “@@ROWCOUNT” and “@@ERROR” in Sql Server?
  17. What are user defined functions (UDFs) in Sql Server?
  18. List out difference between Union and UnionAll in Sql Server?


  • Book -  “.NET Interview Questions by Shivprasad Koirala” is useful for interviews.
  • C# in Depth by Jon Skeet
  • Head First C#
  • C# 4.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference by Joseph Albahari