Analytics for Twitter: Known Issues

This Wiki article documents some known issues with version 1.3 of Analytics for Twitter. 

Click here to download the latest version of Analytics for Twitter.

Analytics for Twitter is being refreshed for Office 2013.  For updates & status please visit the Analytics for Twitter 2013 wiki.

Exception while Searching - Twitter API Updated

During a search query an exception message box appears and states: 

“An exception occurred while searching: @Windows8

Please verify your search query (see Instructions worksheet) and try again.”

Twitter has updated their API and appears to be rate limiting on the legacy API.

Try to perform your search during off peak hours (evening, night, etc).   We are working on a new version that utilizes the new Twitter API.  New versions will be made available here.

"400 Bad Request: The request was invalid." message box

During a search query an exception message box appears and states: “400 Bad Request: The request was invalid.”

The search query specified is not supported.

Update your search query to conform to one of the supported formats detailed in the “Instructions” worksheet.

"420 Enhance Your Calm ..." message box

During a search query an exception message box appears and states: “420 Enhance Your Calm: Returned by the Twitter Search API when you are being rate limited.”

Twitter is temporarily limiting traffic from your machine and/or domain.

Wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, try your query on an alternative network.

"PowerPivot for Excel. Unable to Update. The following tables could not be updated: tblTweets" message box

After clicking the "Update All" function in the PowerPivot ribbon bar, a PowerPivot for Excel message box pops up and states: “Unable to Update. The following tables could not be updated: tblTweets. Linked tables might not bet updated because of conflicting data types or duplicate values in a column. Ensure that the data type of the selected content matches ...”

PowerPivot does not support importing date columns that are formatted in several international formats (i.e. German, en-NZ, etc).

Close Excel, change your PC's date and time format to English/US, reopen the document, and then try again.

Supported Windows Operating Systems

Why are the only supported operating system versions: Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 7 Professional?

Windows 7 Enterprise and Professional were the only operating system versions tested prior to release.

Try "Analytics for Twitter" on your Windows OS version and post back and let us know if it worked for you.

Compatibility Issues with PowerPivot CTP3

A "PowerPivot for Excel" error message specifying "Unable to Update" is presented during a PowerPivot table refresh while using the CTP3 (Beta) version of PowerPivot.

The CTP3 version of PowerPivot has added rules that invalidate certain relationships defined in the "Analytics for Twitter" solution.

Stick with the Released version of PowerPivot (i.e. version 1). It is possible that Microsoft might release an update when the CTP3 PowerPivot version is formally released to the public.