VB.Net OOP BlackJack


BlackJack is a card game for two or more players, but in this version, it's just the user versus the computer.

Game Core

The core of the game consists of the BlackJack (game) class, Player class, Deck class, Card class, and a Count utility class. 

  • BlackJack class: A new instance of this is instantiated in the GUI Form_Shown event after the user has entered their name. This class contains NewGame, hit, and stick methods with Public Access, as these are the methods called from the code behind the GUI. The class also contains a Private Access play method. The hit, stick, and play methods work together, recursively prompting the user to hit or stick while the user holds a valid hand (i.e. below or equal to 21). Sticking or busting, when the user has first move passes play to the computer, which must keep hitting while its hand' sum is below 17. When both players have stuck or bust, the computer's hand is revealed. Occasionally when the computer has the first move, it can bust and the user wins by default. If the user has first move and busts, the computer wins by default.
  • Player class: The user and the computer are both represented by instances of the Player class which has name and hand Properties as well as a hasStuck Property and a getHandAsString Function that returns a textual description of the hand.
  • Deck class: This holds the List(Of Card) that represents the deck of cards. It has createDeck, shuffleDeck, and deal methods.
  • Card class: Each card in the deck is represented by an instance of this class. It has suit, facevalue, and image Properties that describe and depict the card.
  • Count class: This is a utility class that contains five Shared Functions used in scoring and determining the winning hand.


The GUI consists of a Form containing a Label for textual output, two handViewer UserControls that display the hands pictorially, and three Buttons used in gameplay. In this game I've reused my InputDialog class which requests the user's name.

  • handViewer UserControl: This is a simple control that displays the player's name and shows their hand pictorially. There are two of these controls, one for each player.

handViewer code

Public Class  handViewer
    Public Sub  setName(name As  String)
        Label1.Text = name
    End Sub
    Public Sub  setImage(Optional  hand As  List(Of Card) = Nothing)
        Dim img As Bitmap = Nothing
        If Not  hand Is  Nothing Then
            img = New  Bitmap(105 + If(hand.Count > 2, (hand.Count - 2) * 15, 0), 120)
            Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(img)
            Dim m As New  Drawing2D.Matrix
            m.RotateAt(-20, Point.Empty)
            gr.Transform = m
            gr.DrawImage(hand(0).getImage, New  Point(-8, 22))
            Dim startX As Integer  = 33
            For x As Integer  = 1 To  hand.Count - 1
                gr.DrawImage(hand(x).getImage, New  Point(startX, 17))
                startX += 15
        End If
        PictureBox1.Image = img
    End Sub
    Private Sub  PictureBox1_Resize(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  PictureBox1.Resize
        Me.Width = Math.Max(PictureBox1.Width, Label1.Width) + 6
    End Sub
End Class

The Form code

      Public Class  Form1
                    Private WithEvents  game As  BlackJack  
                    Private Sub  Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  MyBase.Shown  
                        Dim d As New  InputDialog  
                        'this shows a modal Dialog with a prompt, and a  title, with no DefaultResponse      
                        If d.ShowDialog("Enter your name", "OOP BlackJack") = DialogResult.OK Then  
                            Dim playerName As String  = d.returnedValue  
                            HandViewer2.setName(      "Computer"      )      
                            game =       New  BlackJack("Computer", playerName)  
                            Application.      Exit      ()      
                        End If  
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  btnNewGame_Click(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  btnNewGame.Click  
                        btnHit.Enabled =       True      
                        btnStick.Enabled =       True      
                        btnNewGame.Enabled =       False      
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  btnStick_Click(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  btnStick.Click  
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  btnHit_Click(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  btnHit.Click  
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  game_displayHand(hand As List(Of Card), player As Integer) Handles  game.displayHand  
                        If player = 1 Then  
                        End If  
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  game_displayText(text As String) Handles  game.displayText  
                        Label1.Text &= text & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine      
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  game_clearText() Handles game.clearText  
                        Label1.Text =       ""      
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  game_isOver() Handles game.isOver  
                        btnHit.Enabled =       False      
                        btnStick.Enabled =       False      
                        btnNewGame.Enabled =       True      
                    End Sub  
                    Private Sub  HandViewer1_Resize(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  HandViewer1.Resize  
                        HandViewer2.Left = HandViewer1.Right + 6      
                    End Sub  
      End Class


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