VAPs and VARs Customizations

**Value Added Providers and Value Added Resellers Can Add Support Information to the Dashboard
*This information applies to Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, Windows Home Server 2011, and Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials

***Advanced support information for Value Added Professionals (VAPs) and Value Added Resellers (VARs).

You can add a link to a file that contains your information to the Dashboard Home page in the Support Contact by placing an XML file named supportcontact.xml in the %ProgramFiles%\Windows Server\Bin\Addins\Home folder on the server.

  1. Save your logo file to the %ProgramFiles%\Windows Server\Bin\Addins\Home folder on the server.

  2. Open Notepad, and add the following XML code

    <supportContact Logo=”path to your logo”> Contact information</supportContact>

    For example:

    <supportContact Logo="c:\Windows_update_icon.png">
    John Doe
    1 Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052
    (123) 456-7890

  3. Change contact information to your information. You can add up to four lines of contact information.

  4. Save the file to %ProgramFiles%\Windows Server\Bin\Addins\Home folder on the server, and name the file supportcontact.xml.

  5. Restart the server. When you open the Dashboard, you will see your information under Support Contact on the Home page.