Xamarin Android: Working with material design TabLayout and ViewPager

How to create a TabLayout with ViewPager, they like the picture?


First, add these references from NuGet:

  • Xamarin.Android.Support.Design.23.3.0
  • Xamarin.Android.Support.v4.23.3.0
  • Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat.23.3.0
  • Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.RecyclerView.23.3.0
  • Xamarin.Android.Support.Vector.Drawable.23.3.0
  • Xamarin.Android.Support.Animated.Vector.Drawable.23.3.0

1. Making the App Material

NOTE: The app material supports API 21 later.

Create an XML file Themes located under resource / values.

<?``xml version``=``"1.0" encoding``=``"UTF-8" ?>



    ``<``style name``=``"PrimaryThemes" parent``=``"Theme.AppCompat.Light"``>


        ``<``item name``=``"windowNoTitle"``>true</``item``>

        ``<``item name``=``"windowActionBar"``>false</``item``>

        ``<``item name``=``"colorPrimary"``>#E53935</``item``>

        ``<``item name``=``"colorPrimaryDark"``>#D32F2F</``item``>




    ``<!--TabLayout Theme-->


    ``<``style name``=``"TabLayoutThemes" parent``=``"Widget.Design.TabLayout"``>


        ``<``item name``=``"tabIndicatorColor"``>#FFFFFF</``item``> <!-- tabIndicatorColor is color of underline each tabs.

        ``<``item name``=``"tabIndicatorHeight"``>2dp</``item``><!-- tabIndicatorHeight is height of underline

        ``<``item name``=``"tabSelectedTextColor"``>#212121</``item``><!-- color of text when tabs be selected





 Open AndroidManifest.xml and modify the theme to our customized theme by changing the Android: Theme attribute value.

<``application android:allowBackup``=``"true" android:icon``=``"@mipmap/icon" android:label``=``"@string/app_name" android:theme``=``"@style/PrimaryThemes"``>

Open the layout of main activity is Main.axml and add layout code:

<?``xml version``=``"1.0" encoding``=``"utf-8"``?>

<``LinearLayout xmlns:android``=``"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"












        ``app:tabMode``=``"fixed" />




        ``android:layout_height``=``"match_parent" />


Fixed tabs in Main.xaml

Fixed tabs should be used when you have limited number of tabs. These tabs are fixed in position. So you have to use:


If you have many tabs you have to use app:tabMore="scrollable" instead of app:tabMore="fixed". 

Finally, adding the theme in XML in style of TabLayout.

Open MainActivity.cs and write code:

tabLayout.setupWithViewPager -> Assigns the ViewPager to  TabLayout

setupViewPager()-> Defines the number of tabs by setting appropriate fragment and tabname

VIewPagerAdapter -> Custom adapter class provides fragments required for the viewpager.

public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity


        ``private TabLayout tabLayout;

        ``private ViewPager viewPager;


        ``private int[] tabIcons = {







        ``protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)


            ``base.OnCreate (savedInstanceState);


            ``// Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            ``SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);



            ``// Get our button from the layout resource,

            ``// and attach an event to it


            ``setupViewPager (viewPager);


            ``tabLayout = FindViewById<``TabLayout``> (Resource.Id.sliding_tabs);

            ``tabLayout.SetupWithViewPager (viewPager);

            ``setupTabIcons ();


        ``private void setupTabIcons()


            ``tabLayout.GetTabAt (0).SetIcon(tabIcons[0]);

            ``tabLayout.GetTabAt (1).SetIcon(tabIcons[1]);

            ``tabLayout.GetTabAt (2).SetIcon(tabIcons[2]);

            ``tabLayout.GetTabAt (3).SetIcon(tabIcons[3]);



        ``private Explore exploreFrg;

        ``private Featured featuredFrg;


        ``private void InditialFragment()


            ``exploreFrg = new Explore ();

            ``featuredFrg = new Featured ();

            ``moreFrg = new More ();

            ``todoFrag = new Todo ();


        ``public void setupViewPager(ViewPager viewPager)


            ``InditialFragment ();

            ``ViewPagerAdapter adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter (SupportFragmentManager);

            ``adapter.addFragment (exploreFrg, "Explore");

            ``adapter.addFragment (featuredFrg, "Featured");




  • Create a ViewPagerAdapter class and write code as below:

  • public class ViewPagerAdapter : FragmentPagerAdapter

  •     ``{

            ``private List<``Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment``> mFragmentList=new List<``Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment``>();

            ``private List<``string``> mFragmentTitleList=new List<``string``>();


            ``public ViewPagerAdapter(Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentManager manager) :base(manager)





            ``public override int Count{

                ``get {

                    ``return mFragmentList.Count;



            ``public override Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment GetItem(int postion)


                ``return mFragmentList [postion];



            ``public override ICharSequence GetPageTitleFormatted(int position)



                ``return new Java.Lang.String(mFragmentTitleList [position].ToLower());// display the title

                ``//return null;// display only the icon



            ``public void addFragment(Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment fragment,string title)


                ``mFragmentList.Add (fragment);

                ``mFragmentTitleList.Add (title);



    In exploreFrg. you have to add more 

    <``span class``=``"s1"``>public class Explore : Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment</``span``><``span class``=``"s2"``> </``span``>

    If you don't want to have icons in tabLayout you can remove setupTabIcons();

    See Also
