VB.Net - WordSearch


This is a WordSearch game, intended for playing either at your computer, or alternatively you can print it out and play in the traditional fashion with pen and paper. Each new game uses twenty five random words chosen from a 46K+ word list. Any single line (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) in a letter grid may contain more than one word but no two words in a single line will overlap. Words may be as spelled in the listbox or reversed.

The Core Classes

The Cell Class

''' <summary>
''' Cell Class - 
''' Each possible line has a line index. There are 76 distinct lines used. 
''' Horizontal, vertical, and 2 * diagonal. Each Cell belongs to 4 lines.
''' The Boolean available() array holds values for each cells availability
''' in any of the 4 possible directions.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class  Cell
    Public line() As Integer  = {0, 0, 0, 0}
    Public text As String
    Public available() As Boolean  = {True, True, True, True}
End Class

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The Game Class

''' <summary>
''' The Game class is the singleton core class initiated on app. load and used for the duration of app. running time.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class  Game
    Dim cells As New  List(Of Cell)
    Dim words() As String
    Dim rn As New  Random
    ''' <summary>
    ''' This default constructor initializes the cells list containing the 225 Cells used throughout the game.
    ''' Also the 46K+ words used are read into the words array.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Sub  New()
        cells.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, 15 * 15).Select(Function(x) New  Cell))
        For r As Integer  = 1 To  15
            For c As Integer  = 1 To  15
                cells((r - 1) * 15 + c - 1).line(0) = r
                cells((r - 1) * 15 + c - 1).line(1) = c + 15
        For r As Integer  = 4 To  15
            Dim c As Integer  = 0
            For r2 As Integer  = r - 1 To  0 Step  -1
                cells((r2) * 15 + c).line(2) = 30 + r - 3
                c += 1
        For c As Integer  = 1 To  11
            Dim r As Integer  = 14
            For c2 As Integer  = c To  14
                cells(r * 15 + c2).line(2) = 42 + c
                r -= 1
        For r As Integer  = 4 To  15
            Dim c As Integer  = 14
            For r2 As Integer  = r - 1 To  0 Step  -1
                cells((r2) * 15 + c).line(3) = 53 + r - 3
                c -= 1
        For c As Integer  = 13 To  3 Step  -1
            Dim r As Integer  = 14
            For c2 As Integer  = c To  0 Step  -1
                cells(r * 15 + c2).line(3) = 65 + (14 - c)
                r -= 1
        words = My.Resources._429Wild.Split(New String() {vbCr, vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.None)
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The createNew function creates a 15 by 15 grid of single letters, comprised of 25 random words, 
    ''' then random letters in the remaining empty cells.
    ''' No 2 words in the same line (horizontal, vertical, 2 * diagonal) will overlap.
    ''' Words on different lines can overlap.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="frm">Instance of frmProgress. Provides graphical indication of progress.</param>
    ''' <returns></returns>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Function  createNew(ByVal  frm As  frmProgress) As  NewGame
        Dim wordList As New  List(Of String)
            Dim lineIndex As Integer  = rn.Next(1, 77)
            Dim lineCells() As Cell = cells.Where(Function(c) c.line.Contains(lineIndex)).ToArray
            Dim reversed As Boolean  = CBool(rn.Next(0, 2))
            Select Case  lineIndex
                Case 16 To 30
                    If Not  reversed Then
                        lineCells = lineCells.OrderBy(Function(c) c.line(0)).ToArray
                        lineCells = lineCells.OrderByDescending(Function(c) c.line(0)).ToArray
                    End If
                Case Else
                    If Not  reversed Then
                        lineCells = lineCells.OrderBy(Function(c) c.line(1)).ToArray
                        lineCells = lineCells.OrderByDescending(Function(c) c.line(1)).ToArray
                    End If
            End Select
            Dim x2 As Integer  = 0
            Dim availableIndex As Integer  = If(lineIndex >= 1 And  lineIndex <= 15, 0, _
                                                If(lineIndex >= 16 And  lineIndex <= 30, 1, _
                                                   If(lineIndex >= 31 And  lineIndex <= 53, 2, _
                                                      If(lineIndex >= 54 And  lineIndex <= 76, 3, -1))))
            Dim noSpace As Boolean  = False
            Dim startAt As Integer  = 0
            If Not  lineCells(0).available(availableIndex) Then
                For x As Integer  = 1 To  lineCells.GetUpperBound(0)
                    If lineCells(x).available(availableIndex) Then
                        startAt = x
                        Exit For
                    End If
                If startAt = 0 Then noSpace = True
            End If
            If noSpace Then Continue Do
            Dim spaces As New  List(Of Point)
            spaces.Add(New Point(startAt, startAt))
            For x As Integer  = startAt To  lineCells.GetUpperBound(0)
                If lineCells(x).available(availableIndex) Then
                    spaces(spaces.Count - 1) = New  Point(spaces.Last.X, x)
                    For x2 = x + 1 To lineCells.GetUpperBound(0)
                        If lineCells(x2).available(availableIndex) Then
                            spaces.Add(New Point(x2, x2))
                            x = x2 + 1
                            Exit For
                        End If
                End If
            Dim maxLength As Integer  = spaces.Max(Function(p) p.Y - p.X + 1)
            Dim maxLengthPoint As Point = spaces.First(Function(p) p.Y - p.X + 1 = maxLength)
            If maxLength < 4 Then Continue Do
            Dim wordlength As Integer  = rn.Next(4, Math.Min(10, maxLength + 1))
            Dim startIndex As Integer  = rn.Next(maxLengthPoint.X, maxLengthPoint.X + maxLength - wordlength)
            Dim matches() As String  = words.Where(Function(w) w.Length = wordlength AndAlso  _
                                                      Enumerable.Range(startIndex, wordlength).All(Function(x) _
                                                        lineCells(x).text = ""  OrElse lineCells(x).text = w(x - startIndex).ToString)).ToArray
            If matches.Length > 0 Then
                Dim selectedWord As String  = matches(rn.Next(0, matches.Length))
                If wordList.Contains(selectedWord) Then Continue Do
                For x As Integer  = startIndex To  startIndex + wordlength - 1
                    lineCells(x).text = selectedWord(x - startIndex).ToString
                    lineCells(x).available(availableIndex) = False
                If startIndex > 0 Then
                    lineCells(startIndex - 1).available(availableIndex) = False
                End If
                If startIndex + wordlength <= lineCells.GetUpperBound(0) Then
                    lineCells(startIndex + wordlength).available(availableIndex) = False
                End If
            End If
        Loop While  wordList.Count < 25
        Dim grid(14)() As String
        For r As Integer  = 0 To  14
            Dim columns(14) As String
            grid(r) = columns
            For c As Integer  = 0 To  14
                If cells(r * 15 + c).text <> "" Then
                    grid(r)(c) = cells(r * 15 + c).text
                    cells(r * 15 + c).text = ""
                    grid(r)(c) = Chr(rn.Next(97, 123)).ToString
                End If
                cells(r * 15 + c).available = New  Boolean() {True, True, True, True}
        Return New  NewGame(grid, wordList.ToArray)
    End Function
End Class

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The letter grid used in this game is an extended DataGridView. This allows DoubleBuffering and restricting user selections, so mouse input can be used for highlighting words in any direction.

 Clicking on a cell, or tabbing the focus to the DataGridView doesn't show any visible focus.

Holding the left mouse button down on the DataGridView and dragging to another cell causes a yellow rubber band highlighting line to be drawn. Releasing the mousebutton will change the color of the highlighting line, and make that a permanent line,  if you have selected a valid line.

If the letters you have highlighted form a word that is listed in the listbox, that item will be ticked in the listbox.

''' <summary>
''' Extended DataGridView 
''' DoubleBuffered. Restricts user selection of cells to facilitate seamless highlighting line drawing.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class  exDGV
    Inherits DataGridView
    Public Event  WM_LBUTTONDOWN_AT(ByVal p As Point)
    Dim WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer  = &H201
    Dim WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK As Integer  = &H203
    Dim WM_KEYDOWN As Integer  = &H100
    Public Sub  New()
        Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides  Sub OnRowPrePaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs)
        e.PaintParts = e.PaintParts And  Not DataGridViewPaintParts.Focus
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides  Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
        If m.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN Then
            RaiseEvent WM_LBUTTONDOWN_AT(New Point(m.LParam.ToInt32))
        ElseIf m.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK OrElse m.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

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Writing a game in VB.Net is similar to writing any program in VB.Net, except where you need to be a little creative with the Controls you use.
When designing your game, you need to look at which available Controls have behaviour that you could use. If those Controls have other behaviour that is not useful, or even a hindrance in your game, you need to work out ways to remove or modify that behaviour.
This was a problem when designing this game. By default, the DataGridView responds to mouse input by highlighting a cell or a range of cells. This was a hindrance in this game. As well as being unsightly, it was dramatically reducing the drawing speed of the DataGridView which was making the game unresponsive.

So the best tip for VB.Net game developers, but also applies to any VB.Net program developer, is to ask yourself: How can you use the available Controls?

Other Resources

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Other puzzle games
MSDN Code Gallery version (download)

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