SharePoint 2013: JSLink (Client Side Rendering) : OnPostRender Event

Client-side rendering or JSLink is a new concept in SharePoint 2013.  In my earlier article SharePoint2013: JSLink (Client Side Rendering) explained about Client-side rendering or JSLink.

In this article, we are going to use JSLink > OnPostRender Event. With the help of this event, we can perform an action after rendering the view. OnPostRender accepts either a function or an array of them. All provided functions will be executed whenever an event is fired.

We first need to write definition of the functions which needs to be called:

JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor = function  (ctx) {
    if (ctx != null) {
        var chkDefaultValue = setInterval(function () {
            if ($('.csrColor').length != 0) {
                $('.csrColor').css("color", "red");
        }, 100);
This function has been used to override the content of list view form for First Name field
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideFNameField = function  (ctx) {
    var result = '';
    if (ctx != null && ctx.CurrentItem != null) {
        result = "<span class='csrColor'>"  + ctx.CurrentItem.FirstName + "</span>";
        return result;

In the above function, we are trying to change the FONT COLOR of FirstName field. For this, we are using:

JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideFNameField: This function override the view template of FirstName and will add one custom class ‘csrColor’ and render the FirstName field value inside the span.

JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor: This function checks the ‘csrColor’ CSS class present on the page or not. If present, then change the color of the text to RED for which CSS class ‘csrColor’ present after the rendering of the page. Then the user will be able to see red color of text for FirstName field.

After that we need to call the custom function on JSLink > OnPostRender Event and need to override the view of FirstName field:

The function OnPostRender event fires after the DOM is loaded. 
JSLinkSecurity.OnPostRender = JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor;
This function has been used to override the override the field inlist view form
JSLinkSecurity.Templates.Fields = {
    'Title': {
        'View': JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideViewMode
    'FirstName': {
        'View': JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideFNameField

Note: One thing, needs to be remembered that before calling the function JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor,  we need to define it, otherwise, it will not work in JSLink. It means if we will add a definition of JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor after the above statement then your function would not be called.

Complete Code:

/* This Script can be reference via the List Property of a WebPart to display Title in bold
* Version:
* Created By:   Amit Kumar
* Modified By:  Amit Kumar
* ChangeDate:   04/04/2017 (MM/DD/YYYY)
//----------Declare and Initialze global variables----------::Start::--------------
var CURRENT_WEB = '';
var SP_LIST = '';
var JSLink_URL = "/SiteAssets/JSLink_Title.js";
var JQuery_URL = 'sites/';
//----------Declare and Initialze global variables----------::Start::--------------
JSLinkSecurity.Templates = JSLinkSecurity.Templates || {}
JSLinkSecurity.Functions = JSLinkSecurity.Functions || {}
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.LoadJSCSSFile = function  (filename, filetype) {
    if (filetype == "js") { //if filename is a external JavaScript file
        var fileref = document.createElement('script')
        fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript")
        fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
    if (typeof fileref != "undefined")
This function has been used to add reference of JQuery framework, if not present
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.AddJQuery = function  (ctx) {
    absoluteSiteUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl;
    var siteUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/"; //=>
    // check if jQuery is available, otherwise reload it
    if (!window.jQuery) {
        var jq = document.createElement('script'); jq.type = 'text/javascript';
        jq.src = siteUrl + JQuery_URL;
This function has been called from the FIELDS and 
>using AddJQuery function to add Jquery reference
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.InitiateScopeList = function  () {
    //Add jqery and links
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor = function  (ctx) {
    if (ctx != null) {
        var chkDefaultValue = setInterval(function () {
            if ($('.csrColor').length != 0) {
                $('.csrColor').css("color", "red");
        }, 100);
//**********************Minimal Download Strategy(MDS) code block and JSLink code block**************::Start::***************
This function  OnPreRender event fires before the DOM is loaded. 
>using InitiateScopeList function
JSLinkSecurity.OnPreRender = JSLinkSecurity.Functions.InitiateScopeList;
JSLinkSecurity.OnPostRender = JSLinkSecurity.Functions.ChangeFieldColor;
This function has been used to override the content of list view form for each field
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideViewMode = function  (ctx) {
    var result = '';
    if (ctx != null && ctx.CurrentItem != null) {
        CURRENT_FIELD_VALUE = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
        CURRENT_FIELD_ID = ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
        CURRENT_LIST_TITLE = ctx.ListTitle;
        result = '<strong>' + ctx.CurrentItem.Title + '</strong>';
        return result;
This function has been used to override the content of list view form for First Name field
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideFNameField = function  (ctx) {
    var result = '';
    if (ctx != null && ctx.CurrentItem != null) {
        result = "<span class='csrColor'>"  + ctx.CurrentItem.FirstName + "</span>";
        return result;
This function has been used to override the override the field inlist view form
JSLinkSecurity.Templates.Fields = {
    'Title': {
        'View': JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideViewMode
    'FirstName': {
        'View': JSLinkSecurity.Functions.OverRideFNameField
This function has been used to register the namespace as per Minimal Download Strategy(MDS)
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.RegisterField = function  () {
This function has been used to register the JS file as per Minimal Download Strategy(MDS)
JSLinkSecurity.Functions.MdsRegisterField = function  () {
    var thisUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + JSLink_URL;
    RegisterModuleInit(thisUrl, JSLinkSecurity.Functions.RegisterField)
This code block used to find Minimal Download Strategy(MDS) enabled on the site or not
>on the basis of that it's registring the JS file
if (typeof _spPageContextInfo != "undefined" && _spPageContextInfo != null) {
    //-- MDS enabled on our site
} else  {
    //-- MDS no enabled on our site
//**********************Minimal Download Strategy(MDS) code block and JSLink code block**************::End::***************

In the above code block, we already implemented the logic to display JSLink changes in Minimum Download Strategy (MDS) feature enabled site. By default MDS is enabled in SharePoint 2013 Team sites. For more detail check article  SharePoint2013: JSLink (Client Side Rendering) .
