VB.Net - Vertex (Game)


This is an original strategy game, written in VB2008 (for wider platform compatibility).

The aim of the game is to beat your opponent (your computer) in a race to claim the top vertex, through a progression of legal moves. 

How to play...

Click the above How to play header or this animated gif (in a different window) to see a demo.

Youtube video - (If the embedded video doesn't appear, use this external link: https://youtu.be/wDmSv-rQcoE) - View

Each player is randomly allocated 1-4 chips each time it's their turn. Every one of your 1-4 chips will be red and your opponents will be yellow. Along the way to the top vertex, there are two randomly positioned power vertexes which will give you (for one power) a 1 in 8 chance for each chip allocated to you will be a 'wild' chip. For two powers, you'll have a 1 in 5 chance of your chips being a 'wild' chip. 

An icon drawn on the vertex denotes a power vertex...

Chips and moves

The chips and their legal moves are...


Can be played either as a free turn on the bottom left vertex at the start of a new game, or in any other case, only beside or above another Red or a RedWild chip, progressing chip by chip towards the top vertex.


Can be played either as a Red chip, but also may be played beside or above any other chip, for blocking your opponents progress.


This is your opponents chip and follows the same rules as a Red chip with the bottom right vertex being the free move.


This is your opponents 'wild' chip and follows the same rules as a RedWild chip.

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The core.Game Class

The Game Class is the singleton Class used for the duration of gameplay. It contains several Public Methods - the Public Function drawChips, the **Public Function **

isValidMove, and the Public Function play. These are used both internally within the Game Class, and they're also called from the main form (frmGame). It also contains six Private methods which are exclusively used within the Game Class where they contribute to the opponent's (computer's) gameplay algorithm.







      Public Class  game
                    Private r As New  Random  
                    Private canWin As Boolean  = False  
                    Private canWin2 As Boolean  = False  
                    Private canWin3 As Boolean  = False  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' drawChips Function      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="chips"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="img1"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="img2"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="player"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="hasTargets"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Allocates the player a random number (1 to 4) of chips      
                    ''' which each have a 1 in 8 chance of being a wild chip (with one power)      
                    ''' or 1 in 5 (with two powers)</remarks>      
                    Public Function  drawChips(ByVal  chips() As  chipPictureBox, ByVal img1 As Bitmap, ByVal img2 As Bitmap, ByVal player As String, ByVal  hasTargets() As  Integer) As Integer  
                        Dim max As Integer  
                        If player.StartsWith("r") Then  
                            max =       If      (hasTargets(0) = 1, 8,       If      (hasTargets(0) = 2, 5, -1))      
                        ElseIf player.StartsWith("y") Then  
                            max =       If      (hasTargets(1) = 1, 8,       If      (hasTargets(1) = 2, 5, -1))      
                        End If  
                        Dim n As Integer  = r.Next(1, Math.Max(4, r.Next(1, 6)))  
                        For x As Integer  = 0 To  3  
                            Dim t As Integer  = 0  
                            If max > -1 Then  
                                t = r.      Next      (0, max)      
                            End If  
                            chips(x).Image =       If      (x < n,       If      (t = 3, img2, img1),       Nothing      )      
                            chips(x).Visible =       If      (x < n,       True      ,       False      )      
                            chips(x).canDrag = player =       "r"  And x < n  
                            chips(x).chipType =       If      (x < n,       If      (t = 3, player &       "w"      , player),  "")  
                        Return n  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' isValidMove Function      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="x"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="y"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="t"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Used to identify a valid vertex, i.e. unoccupied and a legal move</remarks>      
                    Public Function  isValidMove(ByVal  v()() As  vertexInfo, ByVal  x As  Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal  t As  String) As Boolean  
                        Dim isValid As Boolean  = If(t = "r"  Or t = "rw", x = 0 And  y = 9, x = 9 And  y = 9)  
                        If x > 0 Then  
                            If t.EndsWith("w") Then  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y)(x - 1).chipType <> ""  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y)(x - 1).chipType.StartsWith(t)  
                            End If  
                        End If  
                        If x < v(y).GetUpperBound(0) Then  
                            If t.EndsWith("w") Then  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y)(x + 1).chipType <> ""  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y)(x + 1).chipType.StartsWith(t)  
                            End If  
                        End If  
                        If y < 9 Then  
                            If t.EndsWith("w") Then  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y + 1)(x).chipType <> ""  Or v(y + 1)(x + 1).chipType <> ""  
                                isValid = isValid       Or  v(y + 1)(x).chipType.StartsWith(t) Or v(y + 1)(x + 1).chipType.StartsWith(t)  
                            End If  
                        End If  
                        If isValid And Not  String.IsNullOrEmpty(v(y)(x).chipType)  Then  
                            Return False  
                        End If  
                        Return isValid  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' checkPath Function      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="d"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="x"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="y"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="t"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="targetLocation"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Used to find the shortest valid path</remarks>      
                    Private Function  checkPath(ByVal  v()() As  vertexInfo, ByVal  d()() As  vertexDetails, _  
                                               ByVal x As Integer, ByVal  y As  Integer, ByVal t As String, ByVal  targetLocation As  Point, ByVal  block As  Boolean) As List(Of pathDetails)  
                        Dim details(9)() As vertexDetails  
                        If d Is Nothing  Then  
                            For r As Integer  = 9 To  0 Step  -1  
                                Dim row As New  List(Of vertexDetails)  
                                For i As Integer  = 0 To  r  
                                    row.Add(      New vertexDetails() With {.player = If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(v(r)(i).chipType), v(r)(i).chipType.Substring(0, 1), "")})  
                                details(r) = row.ToArray      
                            details = d      
                        End If  
                        canWin =       False      
                        Dim path As New  List(Of pathDetails)  
                        checkPath2(details, x, y, t, path, targetLocation)      
                        canWin2 =       False      
                        Dim path2 As New  List(Of pathDetails)  
                        checkPath4(details, x, y, t, path2, targetLocation)      
                        path = path.Where(      Function      (vi)       String      .IsNullOrEmpty(vi.occupied)).ToList      
                        path2 = path2.Where(      Function      (vi)       String      .IsNullOrEmpty(vi.occupied)).ToList      
                        If path.Count < path2.Count Then  
                            If canWin Then  
                                Return path  
                                Return path2  
                            End If  
                            If canWin2 And Not  block Then  
                                Return path2  
                                Return path  
                            End If  
                        End If  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' checkPath2 Method      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="x"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="y"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="t"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="path"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="targetLocation"></param>      
                    ''' <remarks>Called recursively to find the shortest valid path</remarks>      
                    Private Sub  checkPath2(ByVal  v()() As  vertexDetails, ByVal  x As  Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _  
                                           ByVal t As String, ByVal  path As  List(Of pathDetails), ByVal targetLocation As Point)  
                        If canWin Then Return  
                        'If x > y Then Return      
                        v(y)(x).visited =       True      
                        If t = "y"  Then  
                            If Not  v(y)(x).player.StartsWith("y") AndAlso  Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(v(y)(x).player) Then  Return  
                        End If  
                        If y < targetLocation.Y Then Return  
                        path.Add(      New pathDetails With {.i = x, .r = y, .occupied = v(y)(x).player})  
                        If y = targetLocation.Y And x = targetLocation.X Then  
                            canWin =       True      
                        End If  
                        Dim distance As Integer  = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - y) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - x)  
                        Dim newDistance(3) As Integer  
                        newDistance(0) = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - (y - 1)) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - (x - 1))      
                        newDistance(1) = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - (y - 1)) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - x)      
                        newDistance(2) = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - y) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - (x + 1))      
                        newDistance(3) = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - y) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - (x - 1))      
                        If Not  newDistance.Any(Function(i) i < distance) Then  
                            newDistance(0) = -1      
                            newDistance(1) = -1      
                            newDistance(2) = -1      
                            newDistance(3) = -1      
                        End If  
                        If newDistance(0) < distance AndAlso y > 0 AndAlso x > 0 AndAlso x - 1 <= y - 1 AndAlso Not  v(y - 1)(x - 1).visited Then  
                            checkPath2(v, x - 1, y - 1, t, path, targetLocation)       'check vertex above left      
                        End If  
                        If newDistance(1) < distance AndAlso y > 0 AndAlso x <= y - 1 AndAlso Not  v(y - 1)(x).visited Then  
                            checkPath2(v, x, y - 1, t, path, targetLocation)       'check vertex above right      
                        End If  
                        If newDistance(2) < distance AndAlso x <= y - 1 AndAlso Not  v(y)(x + 1).visited Then  
                            checkPath2(v, x + 1, y, t, path, targetLocation)       'check vertex to right      
                        End If  
                        If newDistance(3) < distance AndAlso x > 0 AndAlso Not  v(y)(x - 1).visited Then  
                            checkPath2(v, x - 1, y, t, path, targetLocation)       'check vertex to left      
                        End If  
                    End Sub  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' checkPath3 Function      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="t"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="targetLocation"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Last Method used to find the shortest valid path</remarks>      
                    Private Function  checkPath3(ByVal  v()() As  vertexInfo, ByVal  t As  String, ByVal targetLocation As Point, ByVal block As Boolean) As  List(Of pathDetails)  
                        For y As Integer  = 0 To  9  
                            For x As Integer  = 0 To  y  
                                If t = "y"  AndAlso v(y)(x).chipType.StartsWith(t)  Then  
                                    Return checkPath(v, Nothing, x, y, t, targetLocation, block)  
                                ElseIf t = "yw"  AndAlso Not  String.IsNullOrEmpty(v(y)(x).chipType)  Then  
                                    If x > 0 Then  
                                        Return checkPath(v, Nothing, x - 1, y - 1, t, targetLocation, block)  
                                        Return checkPath(v, Nothing, x, y - 1, t, targetLocation, block)  
                                    End If  
                                End If  
                        Return Nothing  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' checkPath4 Method      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="x"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="y"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="t"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="path"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="targetLocation"></param>      
                    ''' <remarks>Called recursively to find the shortest valid path</remarks>      
                    Private Sub  checkPath4(ByVal  v()() As  vertexDetails, ByVal  x As  Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _  
                                           ByVal t As String, ByVal  path As  List(Of pathDetails), ByVal targetLocation As Point)  
                        If canWin Then Return  
                        'If x > y Then Return      
                        v(y)(x).visited =       True      
                        If t = "y"  Then  
                            If Not  v(y)(x).player.StartsWith("y") AndAlso  Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(v(y)(x).player) Then  Return  
                        End If  
                        If y < targetLocation.Y Then Return  
                        path.Add(      New pathDetails With {.i = x, .r = y, .occupied = v(y)(x).player})  
                        If y = targetLocation.Y And x = targetLocation.X Then  
                            canWin2 =       True      
                        End If  
                        Dim dx As Integer  = If(targetLocation.X - x < 0, -1, If(targetLocation.X - x > 0, 1, 0))  
                        Dim dy As Integer  = If(targetLocation.Y - y < 0, -1, If(targetLocation.Y - y > 0, 1, 0))  
                        If x + dx >= 0 AndAlso x + dx <= v(y).GetUpperBound(0) AndAlso y + dy >= 0 Then  
                            checkPath2(v, x + dx, y + dy, t, path, targetLocation)       'check next closest vertex      
                        End If  
                    End Sub  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' findClosestOccupiedVertex Function       
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="targetLocation"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Used in calculating the shortest path to a target</remarks>      
                    Private Function  findClosestOccupiedVertex(ByVal targetLocation As Point, ByVal v()() As vertexInfo, ByVal t As String) As  Point  
                        Dim closest As Integer  = Integer.MaxValue  
                        Dim closestPoint As Point  
                        For y As Integer  = 9 To  0 Step  -1  
                            For x As Integer  = 0 To  y  
                                If v(y)(x).chipType.StartsWith("y") OrElse  (t = "yw"  AndAlso v(y)(x).chipType <> "") Then  
                                    Dim distance As Integer  = Math.Abs(targetLocation.Y - y) + Math.Abs(targetLocation.X - x)  
                                    If distance < closest Then  
                                        closest = distance      
                                        closestPoint =       New  Point(x, y)  
                                    End If  
                                End If  
                        Return closestPoint  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' play Function      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="cChips"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="img1"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="img2"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="v"></param>      
                    ''' <returns></returns>      
                    ''' <remarks>Coordinates the computer's gameplay</remarks>      
                    Public Function  play(ByVal  cChips() As  chipPictureBox, ByVal img1 As Bitmap, _  
                                    ByVal img2 As Bitmap, ByVal v()() As vertexInfo, ByVal hasTargets() As Integer, _  
                                    ByVal ri1 As randomIcon, ByVal ri2 As randomIcon, ByVal targets() As Target) As Boolean  
                        Dim numberOfMoves As Integer  = drawChips(cChips, img1, img2, "y", hasTargets)  
                        cChips = cChips.OrderByDescending(      Function      (p) p.chipType.Length).ToArray      
                        Dim counter As Integer  
                        Dim chipCounter As Integer  = 0  
                        Dim xV As Integer  = 9  
                        Dim yV As Integer  = 9  
                            'If cChips(chipCounter).chipType = "yw" Then Stop      
                            Dim target As Target = targets.Last(Function(t) t.acquired = False)  
                            Dim p As Point = findClosestOccupiedVertex(target.location, v, cChips(chipCounter).chipType)  
                            If p <> Point.Empty Then  
                                xV = p.X      
                                yV = p.Y      
                            End If  
                            Dim cMoves As List(Of pathDetails) = checkPath(v, Nothing, xV, yV, cChips(chipCounter).chipType, target.location, cChips(chipCounter).chipType = "yw")  
                            If cMoves Is Nothing  OrElse cMoves.Count = 0 Then  
                                If target.location <> Point.Empty Then  
                                    target.acquired =       True      
                                    Continue       Do      
                                ElseIf Not  (xV = 9 And  yV = 9) Then  
                                    cMoves = checkPath(v,       Nothing      , 9, 9, cChips(chipCounter).chipType, Point.Empty, cChips(chipCounter).chipType =       "yw"      )      
                                End If  
                            End If  
                            Dim cMoves2 As List(Of pathDetails) = checkPath3(v, cChips(chipCounter).chipType, Point.Empty, cChips(chipCounter).chipType = "yw")  
                            If cMoves2 IsNot Nothing AndAlso  cMoves2.Count > 0 AndAlso cMoves IsNot Nothing _  
                                                                AndAlso cMoves2.Count < cMoves.Count AndAlso cChips(chipCounter).chipType <> "yw" Then  
                                If cMoves2(0).r < cMoves(0).r Then  
                                    cMoves = cMoves2      
                                End If  
                            End If  
                            If cMoves.Count = 0 Then  
                                If target.location <> Point.Empty Then  
                                    target.acquired =       True      
                                    Continue       Do      
                                    My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.sigh, AudioPlayMode.Background)      
                                    Exit Do  
                                End If  
                            End If  
                            If Not  cMoves Is  Nothing AndAlso  Not cMoves.Count = 0 Then  
                                'play cMoves      
                                counter = 0      
                                For x As Integer  = 0 To  If(cMoves.Count <= numberOfMoves, cMoves.Count - 1, numberOfMoves - 1)  
                                    Dim m As New  moveDetails With  {.cpb = cChips(chipCounter), .vertex = v(cMoves(x).r)(cMoves(x).i), .hasTargets = hasTargets, .ri1 = ri1, .ri2 = ri2, .targets = targets}  
                                    counter += 1      
                                    chipCounter += 1      
                                If v(0)(0).chipType.StartsWith("y") Then  counter = numberOfMoves : Return True  
                                numberOfMoves -= counter      
                            End If  
                        Loop While  numberOfMoves > 0  
                        For x As Integer  = 0 To  3  
                            cChips(x).chipType =       ""      
                            cChips(x).Image =       Nothing      
                            cChips(x).Visible =       False      
                        Return False  
                    End Function  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' moveChip Method      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="m"></param>      
                    ''' <remarks>Programmatically moves the computer's chips in an animated fashion      
                    ''' Assigns the 'dropped' chip to the highlighted vertex</remarks>      
                    Private Sub  moveChip(ByVal  m As  moveDetails)  
                        Dim origin As Point = m.cpb.Location  
                        Dim endPoint As Point = m.vertex.location  
                        Dim midPoint As New  Point  
                        For x As Integer  = 0 To  10  
                            midPoint.X =       CInt      (Math.Min(origin.X, endPoint.X) + (((Math.Max(origin.X, endPoint.X) - Math.Min(origin.X, endPoint.X)) / 10) * (10 - x)))      
                            midPoint.Y =       CInt      (Math.Min(origin.Y, endPoint.Y) + (((Math.Max(origin.Y, endPoint.Y) - Math.Min(origin.Y, endPoint.Y)) / 10) * (10 - x)))      
                            If midPoint.X < m.cpb.Location.X - 25 Then  
                                midPoint.Offset(-25, -25)      
                                midPoint.Offset(0, -25)      
                            End If  
                            m.cpb.Location = midPoint      
                        m.vertex.chipType = m.cpb.chipType      
                        If m.vertex.target > 0 Then  
                            m.hasTargets(1) += 1      
                            If m.ri1.used Then  
                                m.ri2.Image = My.Resources.shuffle_51x51      
                                m.ri2.used =       True      
                                m.ri1.Image = My.Resources.shuffle_51x51      
                                m.ri1.used =       True      
                            End If  
                            m.targets(m.vertex.target).acquired =       True      
                            My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.floop, AudioPlayMode.Background)      
                        ElseIf m.vertex.target = 0 Then  
                            My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.floop, AudioPlayMode.Background)      
                            My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Jump, AudioPlayMode.Background)      
                        End If  
                        m.cpb.Location = m.cpb.baseLocation      
                        m.cpb.Image =       Nothing      
                        m.cpb.chipType =       ""      
                        m.cpb.Visible =       False      
                    End Sub  
      End Class

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VB.Net is a much underrated programming language these days, which is a shame as it is equally as versatile as C#.

This example shows how to write a fully functioning PC game. The only limit when designing a game in VB.Net is your imagination. If you can dream it, you can code it...

Other Resources

I've updated the zip file.
New version has the reduced screen size, to be usable in laptops with smaller screens, and minor changes to the gameplay algorithm.

Download here

Alternative download from MSDN Samples Gallery

This and other games can be downloaded in executable form at: http://www.scproject.biz/puzzlegames.php

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