Azure Data Lake Store PowerShell Toolkit


Working with the Azure Data Lake Store can sometimes be difficult, especially when performing actions on several items. As there is currently no GUI tool for handling this, PowerShell can be used to perform various tasks. The toolkit described in this article contains several scripts, which makes automation in the Data Lake a little easier.

How To Use

  • Download from TechNet Gallery
  • Unzip to a local folder
  • Run scripts in Admin PowerShell console. Make sure PowerShell is not restricted


This section will list all the script in the toolkit, and explain their purpose. All scripts are deliberately designed to do one thing only, to avoid complex error handling. All scripts include comment section with synopsis, description, example(s) and notes. This has been removed from the code sections below. All scripts include variables which must be changed to adhere to the applicable environment. The scripts are listed alphabetically. 


Count all files in a specific folder

function CountFiles
    $items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder
    $count =  0
    Write-Host "Number of files in $rootFolder :"
    foreach ($item in  $items)
        if ($item.Type -eq "FILE")
            $count += 1
    return $count
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$folder =  "/user" #Replace value with the folder you want to delete files from
CountFiles $folder


Delete all files with a certain extension (configurable). Default value is TMP

$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$rootFolder =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the folder you want to delete files from
$count =  0
$items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Name.Contains(".TMP")} #Replace value with the extension you want to delete
foreach ($item in  $items)
    $fileName =  $item.Name
    Write-Host "Deleting $fileName"
    Remove-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder/$fileName -Force
    $count += 1
Write-Host "`n$count file(s) were deleted"


Download all files in a folder to a folder on the local disk

$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$rootFolder =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the folder you want to download
$downloadDest =  "c:\temp\"  #Replace value with the download destination folder
Export-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder -Destination $downloadDest -Force -Recurse


List all files in a folder (recursive)

function GetFolderContent
    $items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder
    Write-Host "`nContents in $rootFolder"
    foreach ($item in  $items)
        if ($item.Type -eq "DIRECTORY")
            $nextFolder =  $item.Name
            if ($rootFolder -eq "\")
                GetFolderContent $nextFolder 
                GetFolderContent $rootFolder/$nextFolder 
        if ($item.Type -eq "FILE")
            Write-Host $item.Name
    return $null
$dataLakeStoreName =  "dataplatformdlsprod" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$rootFolder =  "/raw/plant/osebergd/ims/history/Compressor" #Replace value with the folder you want to get contents of
GetFolderContent $rootFolder


Move all files in a folder to another folder

$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$rootFolder =  "/user/from" #Replace value with the folder you want to move files from
$destFolder =  "/user/to" #Replace value with the folder you want to move files to
$count =  0
$items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder
foreach ($item in  $items)
    $fileName =  $item.Name
    Write-Host "Moving $fileName to"
    Move-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder/$fileName -Destination $destFolder/$fileName -Force
    $count += 1
Write-Host "`n$count file(s) were moved"


Remove file expiry on a file. The file will no longer be deleted after the expiration date is reached

function RemoveFileExpiry
    Write-Host "Removing expiry on $fileName"
    Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemExpiry -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $fileName
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$fileName =  "/user/myfile.jpg" #Replace value with the file you want to remove expiry on
RemoveFileExpiry $fileName


Remove file expiry on all files in a folder. All files in the folder will no longer be deleted after the expiration date is reached

function RemoveFolderExpiry
    $now =  Get-Date
    $items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $folderName
    foreach ($item in  $items)
        if ($item.Type -eq "DIRECTORY")
            $nextFolder =  $item.Name
            if ($folderName -eq "\")
                RemoveFolderExpiry $nextFolder 
                RemoveFolderExpiry $folderName/$nextFolder 
        if ($item.Type -eq "FILE")
            $fileName =  $item.Name
            Write-Host "Removing expiry on $folderName/$fileName"
            Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemExpiry -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $folderName/$fileName
            $global:count += 1
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$folderName =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the folder you want to remove expiry on
$global:count =  0
RemoveFolderExpiry $folderName
Write-Host "`nRemoved expiry on $count file(s)"


Search for a file

function SearchForFile
    $items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $rootFolder
    foreach ($item in  $items)
        if ($item.Type -eq "DIRECTORY")
            $nextFolder =  $item.Name
            if ($rootFolder -eq "\")
                SearchForFile $nextFolder 
                SearchForFile $rootFolder/$nextFolder 
        if ($item.Type -eq "FILE")
            if ($item.Name -like $searchString)
                Write-Host $item.Name "found in" $rootFolder
    return $null
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$rootFolder =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the folder you want to get contents of
$searchString =  "*filename*" #Replace value with the file you want to search for. Asterisk allowed
SearchForFile $rootFolder


Set expiry on a file. The file will be deleted after the expiration date is reached

function SetFileExpiry
    $now =  Get-Date
    Write-Host "Setting retention on $fileName"
    Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemExpiry -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $fileName -Expiration $now.AddMonths(3) #Replace expiry as required
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$fileName =  "/user/myfile.jpg" #Replace value with the file you want expiry on
SetFileExpiry $fileName


Set expiry on all files in a folder. All files in the folder will be deleted after the expiration date is reached

function SetFolderExpiry
    $now =  Get-Date
    $items =  Get-AzureRmDataLakeStoreChildItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $folderName
    foreach ($item in  $items)
        if ($item.Type -eq "DIRECTORY")
            $nextFolder =  $item.Name
            if ($folderName -eq "\")
                SetFolderExpiry $nextFolder 
                SetFolderExpiry $folderName/$nextFolder 
        if ($item.Type -eq "FILE")
            $fileName =  $item.Name
            Write-Host "Setting expiry on $folderName/$fileName"
            Set-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItemExpiry -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $folderName/$fileName -Expiration $now.AddMonths(3)
            $global:count += 1
$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$folderName =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the folder you want expiry on
$global:count =  0
SetFolderExpiry $folderName
Write-Host "`nSet expiry on $count file(s)"


Upload files to the Data Lake Store

$dataLakeStoreName =  "myDataLakeStore" #Replace value with your own Data Lake Store name
$sourceFolder =  "C:\temp" #Replace value with the folder you want to upload
$uploadDest =  "/user/myfolder" #Replace value with the upload destination path
Import-AzureRmDataLakeStoreItem -Account $dataLakeStoreName -Path $sourceFolder -Destination $uploadDest -Force -Recurse

See Also

Another important place to find an extensive amount of Cortana Intelligence Suite related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is Cortana Intelligence Suite Resources on the TechNet Wiki.

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