Kerberos Survival Guide

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Introductory Information

Technical Articles

Transition Technologies

Configuration / Troubleshooting

Windows Support for Kerberos

Hands On

Deployment Resources

Case Studies

Developer Resources


  • Kerbtray - This tool is used to display ticket information for a given computer running the Kerberos protocol.
  • KList - View and delete the Kerberos tickets granted to the current logon session.
  • Kerberos PowerShell Module - This module gives access to the Kerberos Ticket cache like klist.exe. 
  • Kerberos Authentication Tester - Great diagnostic tool - runs as an executable - no installation required.
    • It shows what authentication method is used in a web request: None, Basic, NTLM or Kerberos
    • It shows the SPN used in case of Kerberos
    • It shows the HTTP status
    • It shows the HTTP Headers of the request.
    • It shows the version of NTLM used (v1 or v2)
    • It has a detailed view with a complete breakdown of the Authorization header. (Yep, went through all the RFCs to dissect the Kerberos and NTLM packages)
    • It shows your current Kerberos tickets and allows you to remove them (like klist.exe)



  • E-Book Gallery for Microsoft Technologies
    • (Includes "Configure Kerberos Authentication for SharePoint 2010 Products". This document covers the concepts of identity in SharePoint 2010 products, how Kerberos authentication plays a critical role in authentication and delegation in business intelligence scenarios, and the situations where Kerberos authentication should be leveraged or may be required in solution designs).




Industry and Other Resources

See Also