Virtual Desktop Access (VDA)

Usual disclaimer. Wiki is unofficial and informal communication. The content is provided by members of the community who may be more or less competent and provide absolutely no liability. All the information provided only for a reference. Never ever take final decisions based solely on information from Wiki. This is especially true for licensing questions.

Unusual disclaimer. There's currently very little information available on VDA. The following is incomplete and leaves more questions than answers. All the information below is based on only two sources listed at the end of the article. And these sources were not very verbose. Please update the article if you have more information. Please delete anything below if you are absolutely sure it is wrong.

In this topic

Virtual Desktop Access (VDA) is a new term first introduced at Microsoft [[Desktop Virtualization Hour]] webcast. It is related to [[Windows Client]] [[licensing]] and [[Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)]] technologies.

What is VDA?

Generally speaking, VDA is a right. It permits a user access to a [[Virtual Machine (VM)]] running Windows Client. This access can be performed from both company-owned devices (such as regular desktop PCs and thin clients) and non-company-owned devices (such as home computers or Internet kiosks).

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How to use VDA?

There are two important things to understand about VDA:

  1. VDA is device-based or user-based. This means that you should assign every instance of VDA you licensed to a particular device or user. 
  2. VDA is a subscription. This means that it as valid as long as you continue to pay for it. You cannot buy a perpetual VDA.

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How to buy VDA?

There are two ways to obtain VDA. The choice is driven by the type of primary device you assign VDA to.

  1. If the device to which you assign VDA is a subject for [[Software Assurance (SA)]] then you should assign to it a Windows Client license with active Software Assurance subscription. In this case, VDA is provided to you as a [[Software Assurance (SA) Benefit]] among others with no additional cost.
    Examples of devices that are subjects for Software Assurance:

    • Company-owned desktop PC
    • Company-owned laptop

    This type of VDA licensing supersedes [[VECD for Software Assurance]].

  2. If the device to which you assign VDA is not a subject for Software Assurance then you should buy VDA as a separate license. Then you assign this license to that device.
    Examples of devices that are subjects for stand-alone VDA licensing:

    • Thin client
    • Home PC (not owned by the company)

    This type of VDA licensing supersedes [[VECD]].

You can buy and use VDA beginning July 2010.

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