System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes [25000-25999]

Use Ctrl-F to find a specific code.

Some codes have a recommended action using PowerShell as well as the general action.

Links to other error code pages can be found at System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Error Codes.

If you have additional information about an error, please add it to the "Additional Troubleshooting Information" column.




Recommended Action (in product)

Additional Troubleshooting Information


VMM is unable to delete the logical network (%Name;) because other objects, such as network sites, virtual network adapters, host network adapters, load balancers, or load balancer templates still depend on it.

Remove the logical network association with all dependent resources, and then remove the logical network.


Adding the specified host groups to the MAC address pool (%Name;) would result in overlapping network-settings-accessible host groups.

Specify non-overlapping host groups or update the inherit network settings property.


Adding the specified host groups to the load balancer (%Name;) would result in overlapping network-settings-accessible host groups.

Specify non-overlapping host groups or update the inherit network settings property.


Adding the specified host groups to the network site (%Name;) would result in overlapping network-settings-accessible host groups.

Specify non-overlapping host groups or update the inherit network settings property.


VMM is unable to perform operation because the subnet (%Subnet;) overlaps with another subnet (%OtherSubnet;) that is defined in a network-settings-accessible host group.

Update the network settings configuration so that there is no conflict.


The VLAN ID (%VlanId;) is not valid because the logical network (%LogicalNetworkName;) does not include the VLAN ID in a network site accessible by the host.

Either specify a valid VLAN ID, or don't specify a VLAN ID and a valid one will be assigned automatically.


The specified MAC address (%Address;) is not a unicast MAC address.

Please specify a valid unicast MAC address.


The address range of the pool (%Name;) could not be updated because the requested range would not contain the currently allocated address (%Address;). There may be other allocated addresses not contained in the updated range.\nRequested range start: %RangeStart;\nRequested range end: %RangeEnd;

Please ensure that the updated address range contains all currently allocated addresses.


The New-PhysicalAddress cmdlet has been deprecated.

Please use the Grant-SCMacAddress cmdlet.


The cmdlet New-SCSubnetVLan was called without specifying either a subnet or a VL AN ID.

Please specify either a subnet, a VLAN ID, or both, and then try again.


(%Name;) is not a valid virtual IP address (VIP) name.

VIP names must start with a letter, must contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), periods (.), or underscores (_), cannot be empty or contain spaces, and must not exceed 127 characters.


(%Name;) is not a valid virtual IP address (VIP) member name.

VIP names must start with a letter, must contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), periods (.), or underscores (_), cannot be empty or contain spaces, and must not exceed 127 characters.


VMM is unable to delete the load balancer (%LoadBalancerName;) because the service (%ServiceName;) depends on the virtual IP address (VIP) (%VIPName;) that exists on the load balancer. There may be other dependent objects.

Please remove the services that have VIPs on the load balancer.


VMM is unable to delete the virtual IP address (%VIPName;) because the service (% ServiceName;) depends on it.

Please remove the services that depend on the virtual IP address.


VMM cannot resolve the intended logical network because a network tag was provide d without a network location.

Network tags and network locations are obsolete in this version of V MM. Use a logical network to identify the desired network instead.


The logical network (%LogicalNetworkName;) could not be found.

Network tags and network locations are obsolete in this version of V MM. Use a logical network to identify the desired network instead.


The load balancer (%LoadBalancerName;) cannot be removed.



The load balancer (%LoadBalancerName;) cannot be modified.



The specified load balancer configuration provider (%ProviderName;) cannot be use d to add a load balancer.

Use a different load balancer configuration provider.


The specified load balancer configuration provider (%ProviderName;) cannot be use d to set a load balancer.

Use a different load balancer configuration provider.


The specified load balancer configuration provider (%ProviderName;) cannot be use d to test a load balancer.

Use a different load balancer configuration provider.


The load balancer (%LoadBalancerName;) cannot be refreshed.



The specified address (%Address;) is already allocated by the pool (%Name;). This address should be assigned to only a single entity.

Resolve to which entity this address is allocated.


The requested reserved range contains an already allocated address (%Address;). The reserved address range for the pool cannot contain already allocated addresses. There may be other allocated addresses in the requested reserved range.

Release the allocated address in the requested reserved range back to the pool, and then try again.


The requested reserved virtual IP address range contains an allocated dedicated I P address (%Address;). The reserved virtual IP address range for the pool cannot contain allocated dedicated IP addresses. There may be other allocated dedicated IP addresses in this range.

Release the currently allocated dedicated IP address in the updated reserved virtual IP address range.


The allocated virtual IP address (%Address;) is not contained in the virtual IP address range. The reserved virtual IP address range should contain all currently allocated virtual IP addresses. There may be other allocated virtual IP addresses outside of this range.

Make sure the updated reserved virtual IP address range contains all currently allocated virtual IP addresses, or release all allocated virtual IP addresses that are not contained in the updated range.


All virtual machines related to the virtual IP address in Microsoft Network Load Balancing have been deleted from VMM.

Delete the virtual IP address using the cmdlet Remove-SCLoadBalancer VIP.


The virtual machine related to the virtual IP address member (%Name;) does not exist in VMM. VMM is unable to add a virtual IP address member if the virtual IP address member's virtual machine does not exist.

Add the virtual IP address member's virtual machine to VMM and try t he operation again.


None of the virtual machines related to the virtual IP (VIP) address (%Name;) in Microsoft Network Load Balancing are responding.

Start at least one virtual machine that belongs to the cluster and try the operation again.


At least one virtual IP address member must be specified to create a virtual IP address using Microsoft Network Load Balancing.

Specify at least one virtual IP address member on the virtual IP address and try the operation again


Creating a service using an existing virtual IP address is not supported for Microsoft Network Load Balancing.

Remove the property in the load balancer configuration that requires the use of an existing virtual IP address.


Ignoring the VLAN ID (%VlanId;) that corresponds to an IPv6 address pool because it conflicts with a VLAN ID that corresponds to an IPv4 address pool.

Configure both the IPv4 and IPv6 address pool subnets to correspond to the same VLAN ID.


Selected Virtual Network Switch (%VirtualNetworkName;) is not compatible with con figured Virtual NIC's Logical Network(%LogicalNetworkName;) .

Please set the network adapters on the host (or host nodes in cluster) to have the correct logical networks or choose different virtual network.


Selected Virtual Network Switch (%VirtualNetworkName;) is not available as a highly available clustered virtual network combination.

Please choose different highly available virtual network or if possible another one would be automatically chosen for you.


Selected Highly Available Virtual Machine's logical network (%LogicalNetworkName ;) is not available as a highly available available clustered virtual network combination.

Please choose different logical network or set the appropriate logic al networks on all nodes of the cluster.


Cluster validation failed because of error: %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Refer cluster documentation to resolve the issue.


Cluster validation failed because of error: %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Check if the VMM service has latest Remote cluster administration tools installed.


Failed to create the process to execute the task. Error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Check if the user has permission on the VMM server and retry the operation.


Failed to Logon using the given credential. Error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Check if the credentials are right and user has permission on the VM M server and retry the operation.


Unable to execute the task because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Check if the user has permission on the VMM server and retry the operation.


Unable to execute the task because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Ensure VMM server has sufficient resources and retry the operation.


Unable to execute the task because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Ensure VMM server has sufficient resources and retry the operation.


The requested operation is supported only on Windows Server 2008 R2 hosts and above.

Try the operation on Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.


The requested operation is supported only on VMM server installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.

Try the operation on Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.


Invalid parameters are specified for test cluster.

retry the operation with correct parameters.


Unable to connect to the user host process.

retry the operation.


The cluster validation report schema is not understandable by VMM server.

Check if the VMM service has latest Remote cluster administration tools installed.


Unable to execute the task because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Check if the user has permission on the VMM server and retry the operation.


Host process for cluster failed to exit within the specified time. Process Id of the helper process is %ProcessID;.

Ensure that the process is terminated.


The hosts specified belong to more than one cluster.

Please select zero or more hosts from a single cluster and zero or more nodes that are not part of any cluster for validation.


The host %VMHostName; specified multiple times.

Select each host only one time.


The cluster operation requires one or more hosts.

Select one or more host and retry the operation.


Host %VMHostName; is not in responding state.

Select one or more hosts and retry the operation.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because they are running different versions of Windows.

Select one or more hosts which run the same version of Windows serve r and retry the operation.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because they are in different host groups.

Select one or more host from the same host group or move all hosts i nto same host group and retry the operation.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because one or more of the hosts belong to another cluster.

Select one or more host that are not part of the cluster and retry t he operation.


The install cluster task cannot be restarted because the object created by the tasks no longer exists.

Run the install cluster again instead of restarting the failed task.


Cluster validation reported that the nodes do not meet clustering requirements. R efer %FileName; in %%windir%%\Cluster\Reports of any node for further information on the failure.

Refer to the cluster documentation for fixing the issue reported in the error file and retry the operation.


Cluster validation reported some warnings. Refer %FileName; in %%windir%%\Cluster \Reports of any node for further information on the warnings.

Refer to the cluster documentation for fixing the issue reported in the file for cluster to function properly.


Parameters specified for the install cluster are not valid.

Please specify valid parameters.


The cluster creation failed because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Please refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because they are running different SKUs of Windows OS.

Select one or more hosts that are running same SKUs and retry the operation.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because %VMHostName; SKU cannot be determined.

Ensure the host is running and retry the operation.


Hosts selected cannot be clustered because installation of cluster feature on %VM HostName; failed with error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Refer to Windows documentation for how to fix installation issues.


The cluster operation is not supported because Host %ComputerName; is in untrusted domain.

Select one or more hosts which belong to a trusted domain and retry the operation.


Uninstallation of cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Please refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


One or more Parameters specified for the operation are not valid.

Please specify valid parameters.


Removing host %VMHostName; from the cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of e rror %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Please refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


Adding host %VMHostName; to the cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

Please refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


The host %VMHostName; does not belong to a cluster.

Please specify a host that belongs to a cluster.


The host %VMHostName; belongs to a different cluster.

Please specify a host that belongs to this cluster.


The hosts cannot be removed because host %VMHostName; is not in maintenance mode.

Please set the host in Maintenance mode and retry the operation.


All the nodes of a cluster cannot be removed from the cluster.

Please remove all the HAVMs and cluster groups and run uninstall cluster.


The cluster configuration requires a quorum resource to function properly.

Please specify valid parameters.


The domain specified in the cluster name is invalid.

Please specify the name in the same domain as hosts.


The VMM Task Helper process terminated unexpectedly due to error %DetailedErrorMe ssage;.

Contact your support personnel for further help.


Network configuration of hosts to be clustered requires at least one static IP ad dress to create a cluster.

Please specify at least one IP address and retry the operation.


No network adapter found on host %VMHostName; that matches cluster virtual networ k %VirtualNetworkName;.

Please add a network adapter to the host and set the Logical Network s on the adapter to match the cluster network.


Cannot find matching network adapters that matches cluster virtual network %VirtualNetworkName;.

Please ensure all the hosts have adapters whose logical network is set properly and retry the operation.


Cannot convert the last host cluster network into a virtual network without host access.

Please ensure there are other host cluster networks before removing this network from hosts.


Cluster virtual network exists on all the hosts.

Ensure if virtual network exists on all hosts, refresh the cluster n odes and retry the operation.


No clusterable networks found for the hosts.

Ensure at least one common network exists amongst hosts, and retry the operation.


No highly available virtual network %VirtualNetworkName; found on host %VMHostNam e;.

Please ensure the virtual network is created in all hosts and refresh the cluster and retry the operation.


The unmanaged Storage Logical Unit %SMLunID;, which is presented to cluster alrea dy, is not accessible to host %VMHostName;.

Please ensure that new nodes have access to non-VMM managed cluster disks before adding the node to cluster. Present the storage disk to the new hosts and refresh host, before retrying the operation.


The Storage Logical Units registered by register task differs from Storage Logical Units mounted by the mount tasks.

Please specify mount for all the Storage Logical Units registered for the cluster operation.


Enable Cluster Shared Volume on the cluster failed.

Please refer to the cluster documentation to resolve the problem and retry the operation.


Storage Logical Unit %LogicalUnits; not found on host %VMHostName; to mount.

Please refer to the cluster documentation to resolve the problem and retry the operation.


Cluster validation report is located at %FileName;


VMM could not find the specified Certificate.

Ensure the certificate is associated with the target.


Error while storing the certificate.

Ensure that the SQL Server database for the VMM management server is functioning correctly.


Error while reading the encoded certificate.

Ensure that VMM agent is of the right version and installed properly .


The certificate returned by VMM agent is not in the expected format.

Ensure that VMM agent is of the right version and installed properly .


The certificate for VMM object %CertObjectID; of type %CertObjectType; failed.

Please ensure certificate is valid and reassociate the host.


The cluster replication of VMM certificate failed.

Please ensure user has permission on the cluster.


Unable to detect VMM server settings for HAVMM from the active HAVMM server.

Please ensure user has permission on the cluster.


Uninstall of VMM service failed because HA-VMM is running on this host and there are other failover nodes exists for HAVMM.

Please move the HA-VMM resource group to another failover node and t hen retry the uninstallation.


Highly Available VMM service cannot be started as non-HA VMM service.

Use Cluster management interface to start the VMM service rather than using Service Control Manager interface.


Quorum Disk specified for the cluster is not found on the cluster.

Check that the disk is clustered disk and is in available storage an d retry the operation.


Moving current Quorum Disk to available storage failed.

Check that the disk is online and retry the operation.


Parameters for NodeMajority and DiskQuorum cannot be specified together.

Specify either NodeMajority or DiskQuorum.


Parameter for SetDiskQuorum is neither host disk nor storage logical unit.

Specify either the clustered disk on one of the hosts of the cluster or storage LUN that is already clustered disk or the storage lun that is added to the cluster in this JobGroup.


Cluster disk resource name %Name; is in failure state

Fix the failed clustered disk resource


Cluster Shared Volume resource %Name; is in a failed state

Fix the failed clustered shared volume resource


Cluster disk %Name; is not a Cluster Shared Volume

Specify a Cluster Shared Volume and retry the operation


Cluster disk %DiskName; is in use

Make sure the cluster disk is not in use and retry the operation


%Name; cannot be managed by Virtual Machine Manager, as managing a host cluster i n which the HA-VMM is running on is not supported.

Managing a host cluster which the HA-VMM is running on is not supported


Uninstallation of cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

If this is a newly created cluster, please try again later after the DNS name has been updated, else refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


Removing host %VMHostName; from the cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of e rror %DetailedErrorMessage;.

If this is a newly created cluster, please try again later after the DNS name has been updated, else refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


Adding host %VMHostName; to the cluster %HostClusterName; failed because of error %DetailedErrorMessage;.

If this is a newly created cluster, please try again later after the DNS name has been updated, else refer to cluster documentation for resolving cluster problems.


Operations Manager Action Account and Credentials for Operations Manager cannot be specified together

Specify either to use action account or a specific credential, and t hen try the operation again.


VMM Service Account and Credentials cannot be specified together

Specify either to use VMM service account or a specific credential, and then try the operation again.


One of the following should be provided - Default Action account or a specific credential

Specify at least one of the following - default action account or a specific credential, and then try the operation again.


One of the following should be provided - VMM Server service account or a specific credential

Specify either to use VMM service account or a specific credential, and then try the operation again.


A connection already exists

Remove the existing connection, and then try the operation again


Management pack with %Name; is already imported.

Uninstall the existing management pack, and then try the operation a gain


A generic error has occurred during management pack import

Try the operation again


The credentials used to connect to Operations Manager's management group do not have the necessary permissions

Try the operation again with different credentials or add the credentials to OpsMgr's Administrator Role


Operations Manager connection is not configured.

Configure Operations Manager connection and try operation again


Unable to configure PowerShell for remoting: "%ActualException;"

Run Enable-PSRemoting in PowerShell to implement PRO Tips


The credentials provided do not have the necessary permissions to configure the server.

Provide the credentials for an Administrator on the server


The credentials provided cannot be null or empty.

Provide the credentials that is an Administrator on the server


Not able to configure the remote management server %ComputerName; for implementing PRO Tip.

Provide the credentials that is an Administrator on the server


Not able to connect to VMM Server from %ComputerName;.

Provide the credentials that is an Administrator on the VMM server and try the operation again


VMM Management group object cannot be found.

Update Operations Manager connection and then try operation again.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to retrieve PRO tips from Operations Manager . Operation failed with error: "%ActualException;".

Check Operation Manager Server connection and then try operation again.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to retrieve PRO tips from Operations Manager . Management pack class was not found.

Ensure that Virtual Machine Manager management pack is installed on the Operations Manager server.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to connect to Operations Manager.

Ensure that Operations Manager is running.


PRO Diagnostic error event



PRO Diagnostic success event



Failed to create diagnostics PRO tip

Check if Operations Manager Agent is running on the computer running VMM management server and that it is monitored.


PRO Diagnostics Target cannot be found.

Refresh Operations Manager connection and then try operation again.


PRO Diagnostics Target is not monitored.

Check if Operations Manager Agent is running on the computer running VMM management server and that it is monitored.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to verify PRO diagnostics target. Operation failed with error: "%ActualException;".

Check Operation Manager Server connection and then try operation again.


The management pack "%Name;" containing the monitor is not sealed.

Seal the management pack and import it in Operations Manager and try the operation again.


Unable to set the desired PRO Monitor state.

Ensure that the monitor name is valid and try the operation again.


PRO is not enabled for the current Operations Manager connection.

Run Set-SCOpsMgrConnection to enable PRO and try the operation again.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to verify PRO monitor target. Operation failed with error: "%ActualException;".

Check Operation Manager Server connection and then try operation again.


The specified PROMonitor "%Name;" does not target the given target type.

Check the PROMonitor or the target and then try operation again.


Virtual Machine Manager was not able to delete management pack "%Name;" since the management pack is currently not imported.



Computer %ComputerName; is not managed by Operations Manager.

To enable VMM service monitoring install Operations Manager agent on all VMM cluster nodes and turn agent proxying on.


Connection to Operations manager failed with exception "%ActualException;".

Fix the problem, then try operation again.


Remote Session was not created.



Unable to connect to VMM Server.



There is no monitor configuration set on the parent object to inherit PRO setting s.

Manually set the MonitoringEnabled and AutomaticMode


Incorrect parameters specified.

Specify either EnablePRO or EnableOpsMgrConnection parameter and try the operation again


Inherit parameter cannot be set on the root host group.

Specify a different scope and try the operation again


Incorrect RunAs Account type specified for OpsMgrServerCredential.

Specify a RunAs Account of type ExternalAccount and try the operation again


Failed to restart VMMAgent service on computer %ComputerName;.

Manually restart the VMMAgent service.