SQL Server Troubleshooting: configuration manager RPC failed (0x800706be)

                                                      https://msdnshared.blob.core.windows.net/media/2016/08/7827.NinjaAwardTinyBronze.png award in March 2018


MS SQL Server Management Studio working well.

When you open SQL server configuration manager you get an error:

“Remote procedure call failed (0x800706be)”


Shared Files for All Instances of SQL Server

Common files used by all instances on a single computer are installed in the folder <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\ <drive> is the drive letter where components are installed. The default is usually drive C. <nnn> identifies the version. The following table identifies versions for the paths.

<nnn> Version
140 SQL Server 2017
130 SQL Server 2016
120 SQL Server 2014
110 SQL Server 2012


We will do step by step:

1. WMI Repository

If using Window Server 2008 and above, run command from command prompt to verify WMI repository: winmgmt /verifyrepository

If you get any error, please contact your OS team for WMI rebuild.

2) Recompile the MOF file

cd C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL server\140\shared

c:\program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL server\140\shared>mofcomp.exe sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof

3) Re-register the SQL Server provider DLL

Run:  regsvr32 "C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL server\140\shared\sqlmgmprovider.dll"


error 0x800706BE

See also