Database Size Limitations in All Versions and Editions of SQL Server

This article is related to this MSDN thread

According to this thread, the data file size limitation is not exposed through the query and most likely is hardcoded into the SQL Server assembly code.

We can find data file limitations in BOL and we can create our own table to hold this information based on SQL Server version and edition. The aforementioned thread provides the possible table:

CREATE TABLE  SQLServerVersions (
    VersionNumber VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY  KEY,
    SQLEdition VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
    FileSizeData NUMERIC(19,0),
    FileSizeLog NUMERIC(19,0),
    DatabaseSize NUMERIC(19,0),
INSERT SQLServerVersions (
   '10.50', 'Standard Edition', 1099511627776, 1099511627776, 576443160117379072);
SELECT * FROM SQLServerVersions

BOL link

See Also

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