SharePoint 2010: Modify web.config to Display Error Details

Enable Custom Errors

Edit the web.config file, and set the customErrors mode to “Off”

  • Find: <customErrors mode=”On” />
  • Change to: <customErrors mode=”Off” />

Enable the Call Stack Trace

Edit the web.config file, and set the CallStack value of the SafeMode element to “true”

  • Find: <SafeMode … CallStack=”false” … >
  • Change to: <SafeMode … CallStack=”true” … >

Enable Debugging Mode

Edit the web.config file, and set batch and debug to “true”

  • Find: <compilation batch=”false” debug=”false”>
  • Change To: <compilation batch=”true” debug=”true”>

The changes mentioned above should be used only for troubleshooting and should be reverted once the issue has been resolved. This helps avoid security related issues.
