ConfigMgr (SCCM) – Servers with Site System-Server Roles in a Particular ConfigMgr Hierarchy

I am very glad to share an Awesome report created by my colleagues Robert Spinelli and XiaoDong Zhang.

Here is that pretty cool query/report that can help you in maintaining the inventory of SCCM hierarchy and also can be used as health check report.

This report will provide you all the servers and the site system roles they have installed. This reported is created in SSRS, but also works as a regular ASP web report.

Download MOF File – Here

Download RDL File – Here

Here is the report


select distinct sum.SiteCode,

SUBSTRING(SiteSystem, (CHARINDEX(‘\’,sum.SiteSystem)+2), (CHARINDEX(‘\,SiteSystem,(CHARINDEX(‘\’,sum.SiteSystem)+2)) – (CHARINDEX(‘\’,sum.SiteSystem)+2))) ‘Server’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘AI Update Service Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘AI Point’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Distribution Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘DP’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Fallback Status Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘FSP’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Management Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘MP’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS PXE Service Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘PXE’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Server Locator Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘SLP’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Site Server’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘Site Server’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Software Update Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘SUP’,

CASE Sum.Role


End ‘SQL’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS SRS Reporting Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘SSRS’,

CASE Sum.Role

WHEN ‘SMS Reporting Point’ THEN ‘X’ ELSE ‘ ‘

End ‘RP’,


into ##temp

from v_SiteSystemSummarizer sum

where not sum.Role = ‘SMS Component Server’


–select * from ##temp

select distinct t1.SiteCode,t1.[Server],

(select top 1 [AI Point] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [AI Point],

(select top 1 [DP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [DP],

(select top 1 [FSP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [FSP],

(select top 1 [MP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [MP],

(select top 1 [PXE] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [PXE],

(select top 1 [SLP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [SLP],

(select top 1 [Site Server] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [Site Server],

(select top 1 [SUP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [SUP],

(select top 1 [SQL] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [SQL],

(select top 1 [SSRS] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [SSRS],

(select top 1 [RP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc) [RP],

CASE Site1.Type

WHEN 1 THEN ‘Secondary’

WHEN 2 Then ‘Primary’


case when (select top 1 [AI Point] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘AIPoint ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [DP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘DP ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [FSP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘FSP ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [MP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘MP ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [PXE] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘PXE ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [SLP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘SLP ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [Site Server] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘SiteServer ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [SUP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘SUP ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [SQL] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘SQL ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [SSRS] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘SSRS ‘ else ” end+

case when (select top 1 [RP] from ##temp t11 where t11.SiteCode=t1.SiteCode and t11.Server=t1.Server order by 1 desc)=’X’ then ‘RP ‘ else ” end

End as [ServerType],


(select distinct site11.ReportingSiteCode from v_Site site11

where site11.SiteCode = t1.SiteCode and site11.ReportingSiteCode is not null) as [ReportingSiteCode],


(select distinct site11.Version from v_Site site11

where site11.SiteCode = t1.SiteCode and site11.Version is not null) as [Version]

from ##temp t1

left join v_Site site1 on t1.SiteCode = site1.SiteCode and t1.Server = site1.ServerName

drop table ##temp

Glimpse of the OUTPUT of the query/report.