ConfigMgr (SCCM) – How to Find out Overlapping Site Boundaries

Overlapping Site Boundaries are big headache for SCCM admins (most of you agree with me )

I always prefer to have IP ranges instead of IP subnets and AD sites as SCCM boundaries.

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Here are some tips to find out the overlapping site boundaries through Active Directory (AD) custom LDAP query.

I know there are lot of blogs around and the scripts to find out overlapping boundaries (some of them are noted down in the reference section at the end of this blog).

1. Open Active Directory console.

2. Goto “Saved Queries” – “New” – “Query“. This will open up “New Query” window.

3. On “New Query” – Enter the new query name as “Overlapping Boundaries” (or whatever you prefer). and click on “Define Query“.

4. Select “CUSTOM Search” in “Find Custom Search” window. Then goto “Advanced” tab.

5. Use the below mentioned LDAP query (to find out the IP subnets associated to SCCM sites in the hierarchy). Replace the variable values of ”Enter The IP Subnet“ with actual IP Subnet (e.g and “AD Site” with actual AD site name (e.g KPS – don’t use quotes ) and click OK.

(&(ObjectCategory=mSSMSSite)(|(mSSMSRoamingBoundaries=ENTER IP SUBNET)(mSSMSRoamingBoundaries=ENTER AD SITE Name)))

6. Click on “Overlapping Boundaries” query and on the right hand side panel you can see the result.

7. If your query result is having only one ‘sccm site’ – AD object (“SMS-Site-567″ where “567″ is your SCCM site code) then you don’t have any overlapping boundary issue for that particular IP subnet with repect to the AD site.

If you see more than one SCCM site AD Object in the result then yes, you have overlapping of boundaries and you need to do some work to remove this overlapping.

Note : This method would be helpful if you are using AD Site as boundary.


Planning Configuration Manager Boundaries

Russ Slaten SMSBoundaries v1.42

Tom Watson Overlapping Active Directory Sites