ConfigMgr (SCCM) - Skip Software Inventory

Recently, we have noticed that the size of BADSinv folder size is getting increased on all the child primary servers. We did some analysis and found that the same caused by software inventory enabled on DP drives on secondary servers. My Latest updated post can be found HERE !!




- All the child primary sites have a large BADSinv folder.

- The folder size id more than 1.5 GB for all the child primary servers.


Possible Impacts


- The software inventory will not produce accurate results as there are lots of rejections on inventory files.

- SCCM backup is taking long time to finish.

- SCCM exec performance will be impacted because of extended run time of SCCM backup.


Possible Cause


- All the large inventory files are from SCCM secondary servers because of the software inventory task ran against packages in DP folders. SCCM is collecting all the data like exe, dll files in each application package.

- As SCCM don’t have initial software inventory data for the SCCM secondary servers as well as for some clients over and above these clients are doing resync and re sending FULL inventory.

- If the full software inventory report from the client is larger than the configured max size (5 MB by default) then those files will be moved to BadSINV folder.


- Create a hidden file named Skpswi.dat and place it in the root of a client hard drive (SCCM secondary server DP drive) to exclude it from software inventory. You can also place this file in the root of any folder structure you want to exclude from software inventory. This procedure can be used to disable software inventory on a single workstation or server client, such as a large file server.

- Increase the Max file size settings in child primary servers to ~25 MB (as per the requirement in the environment ) to cater the FULL inventory . Goto

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_SOFTWARE_INVENTORY_PROCESSOR Increase “Max File Size” to 25 MB or whatever as per design.

“No Warranty for this solution” always test your solutions in the test environment before implementing the same into production environment.