Customizing RD WebAccess

This is a landing page for information about customizing the RD WebAccess pages on Windows Server 2008 R2, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • How is RD WebAccess build up
  • Customizing by editing RDWebAccess.Config
  • Customizing by editing the .aspx pages
  • Customizing by editing the application settings in IIS

The content is in progress. Please add links to the sections below, and feel free to add more links if appropriate.

How is RD WebAccess build up

Customizing by editing RDWebAccess.Config

Customizing by editing the .aspx pages

In a default installation, the .aspx files that are used to make up RD WebAccess are located here: C:\Windows\Web\RDWeb\Pages\en-US

There are three main pages of the RD Web Access Website: RemoteApp Programs, Remote Desktop, and Configuration**.** The corresponding pages are the default.aspx, desktop.aspx and config.aspx.

Customizing by editing the application settings in IIS

The Application Settings section in Internet Information Services can be used to define several settings to change the way RD WebAccess operates. Below is a list of what you are capable of configuring. Note that these settings can also be changed directly in corresponding .config file (default here: %WINDIR%\Web\RDWeb\App_Data\RDWebAccess.Config)

By default, the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management service use TCP port 5504 to communicate with the RD Web Access server. You change the port by modifying this setting:
Here you can set the RD Gateway you want your RD WebAccess Remote Apps to use.
To specify the RD Gateway authentication method you can set the number that corresponds to the desired authentication method.
Possible values include:
0 = Ask for password (NTLM)
1 = Smart card
4 = Allow user to select later
**An option that is used for RemoteFX, similar to the option called "Optimize my experience for a LAN network when connecting to the computer or application." on the RD WebAccess page and new since SP1.
To configure the timeout of the RD WebAcces page when the user runs private mode.
To configure the timeout of the RD WebAcces page when the user runs public mode.
Contains the path the where the config file (of these IIS settings) is stored. By default %WINDIR%\Web\RDWeb\App_Data\RDWebAccess.Config
Setting to configure whether or not to show the desktop remote app in RD WebAccess, by default false.
Setting to configure whether or not to show the ShowOptimizeExperience setting in RD WebAccess, by default false.
Setting to configure whether this setting is enabled in the Devices and resources section in RD Web Access, by default true.
Setting to configure whether this setting is enabled in the Devices and resources section in RD Web Access, by default false.
Setting to configure whether this setting is enabled in the Devices and resources section in RD Web Access, by default false.
Setting to configure whether this setting is enabled in the Devices and resources section in RD Web Access, by default false.
Setting to configure whether this setting is enabled in the Devices and resources section in RD Web Access, by default true.