Save Credentials for all Servers’ RDP Connections

It was a big joy when I found a solution how to save my current windows credentials for all servers' rdp connections. We have more than 50 servers and it's annoying to enter my credentials on every rdp connection to server. But can you imagine how it is hard for environment with 200 and even 1000 connections.

I've found a small utility in Windows 7 - my present host OS - cmdkey.exe which can add, change or delete credentials for many type of connections. For my purposes I've used TERMSRV.

If you are using Windows XP you can just copy this utility from Windows Server 2003 but not from Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008.

After changing my windows credential it is possible to run this script for saving your current windows credentials for rdp connections.

Get-QADComputer -OSName *2003 | foreach `
    if(Test-Connection $ -quiet)
        cmdkey /generic:TERMRV/$pc /user:domain\user /pass:password

P.S. I am using:

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