SharePoint 2010: Error Creating Personal Site because the Managed Path Has Not Been Created


A farm administrator reports a problem that they are unable to setup the mysites in a SharePoint Server 2010 environment. They are following all the instructions based on the following Microsoft TechNet article When a user attempts to create a mysite, they get the following error: "Your personal site cannot be created because the managed path "Path" has not been created for this site. Contact your site administrator for more information".

Possible Solutions

  • Check if the managed paths are created and set up properly

  • Check the Location field in the mysite settings has the managed path you have created for your mysites. It should only be the path name (not with the full URL)

    Example: If you have created the path as "Personal", the location field should be "Personal" only (not with the URL format as http://webApplication/personal).