Known issues in AKS enabled by Azure Arc on VMware

Applies to: AKS enabled by Azure Arc on VMware (preview)

This article identifies important known issues and their workarounds in the AKS enabled by Azure Arc on VMware preview. You can also review the troubleshooting guide or follow the troubleshooting overview to report bugs or provide product feedback.

We continuously update this page. As we identify critical problems that require workarounds, we add them here. Review this information carefully before deploying AKS Arc on VMware.

Known issue Root cause/issue description Workaround/comments
VM size Standard_A4_v2 In the initial release of AKS on VMware, the VM sizes Standard_A4_v2 and Standard_K8S3_v1 were deployed with incorrect specifications. VM size Standard_A4_v2 was created with 2 vCPU and 8-GB memory, while it should have been 4 vCPU and 8-GB memory. VM size Standard_K8S3_v1 was created with 2 vCPU and 6-GB memory, while it should have been 4 vCPU and 6-GB memory. This issue was resolved in the Arc Resource Bridge 1.1.0 release or later. New clusters under the new Arc Resource Bridge have the new VM sizes. Old clusters created under the old version of Arc Resource Bridge aren't retroactively updated. If you encounter problems with the default configuration in the previous version of Arc Resource Bridge, consider deploying the target cluster control plane with Standard_D4s_v3. See this article to upgrade your Arc Resource Bridge, or for more information, see the Arc Resource Bridge release notes.
Control Plane IP is in use This error indicates that the control plane IP is in use, even though it may not be in use by any party. 1. Before you create an AKS cluster, ping the control plane IP to check if it's already in use.
2. If the system returns an error stating "control plane IP is in use" and it's not actually in use, try creating an AKS cluster using a different control plane IP.
If you pass the --node-vm-size option for az aksarc create, or --node-vm-size for az aksarc nodepool add, you might get a 404 error when Azure CLI attempts to make a GET request for a list of compatible VM sizes. This issue is a k8s-bridge limitation. Call az aksarc vmsize list to make a PUT call, which allows the VM size list to be retrieved for future GET calls.

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