ALB Controller - Backend Health and Metrics

Understanding backend health of your Kubernetes services and pods is crucial in identifying issues and assistance in troubleshooting. To help facilitate visibility into backend health, ALB Controller exposes backend health and metrics endpoints in all ALB Controller deployments.

ALB Controller's backend health exposes three different experiences:

  1. Summarized backend health by Application Gateway for Containers resource
  2. Summarized backend health by Kubernetes service
  3. Detailed backend health for a specified Kubernetes service

ALB Controller's metric endpoint exposes both metrics and summary of backend health. This endpoint enables exposure to Prometheus.

Access to these endpoints can be reached via the following URLs:

  • Backend Health - http://<alb-controller-pod-ip>:8000/backendHealth
    • Output is JSON format
  • Metrics - http://<alb-controller-pod-ip>:8001/metrics
    • Output is text format

Any clients or pods that have connectivity to this pod and port may access these endpoints. To restrict access, we recommend using Kubernetes network policies to restrict access to certain clients.

Backend Health

Discovering backend health

The ALB Controller exposes backend health on the ALB controller pod that is acting as primary.

To find the primary pod, run the following command:

kubectl get lease -n $CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE alb-controller-leader-election -o jsonpath='{.spec.holderIdentity}' | awk -F'_' '{print $1}'

For indirect access via kubectl utility, you can create a listener that proxies traffic to the pod.

kubectl port-forward <pod-name> -n $CONTROLLER_NAMESPACE 8000 8001

Once the kubectl command is listening, open another terminal (or cloud shell session) and execute curl to to be redirected to the pod.


Example response:

Available paths:
Path: /backendHealth
Description: Prints the backend health of the ALB.
Query Parameters:
        detailed: if true, prints the detailed view of the backend health
        alb-id: Resource ID of the Application Gateway for Containers to filter backend health for.
        service-name: Service to filter backend health for. Expected format: \<namespace\>/\<service\>/\<service-port-number\>

Path: /
Description: Prints the help

Summarized backend health by Application Gateway for Containers

This experience summarizes of all Kubernetes services with references to Application Gateway for Containers and their corresponding health status.

This experience may be accessed by specifying the Application Gateway for Containers resource ID in the query of the request to the alb-controller pod.

The following command can be used to probe backend health for the specified Application Gateway for Containers resource.

curl http://\<alb-controller-pod-ip-address\>:8000/backendHealth?alb-id=/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/yyyyyyyy/providers/Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/trafficControllers/zzzzzzzzzz

Example output:

  "services": [
      "serviceName": "default/service-hello-world/80",
      "serviceHealth": [
          "albId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/yyyyyyyy/providers/Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/trafficControllers/zzzzzzzzzz",
          "totalEndpoints": 1,
          "totalHealthyEndpoints": 1,
          "totalUnhealthyEndpoints": 0
      "serviceName": "default/service-contoso/443",
      "serviceHealth": [
          "albId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/yyyyyyyy/providers/Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/trafficControllers/zzzzzzzzzz",
          "totalEndpoints": 1,
          "totalHealthyEndpoints": 1,
          "totalUnhealthyEndpoints": 0

Summarized backend health by Kubernetes service

This experience searches for the health summary status of a given service.

This experience may be accessed by specifying the name of the namespace, service, and port number of the service in the following format of the query string to the alb-controller pod: <namespace>/<service>/<service-port-number>

The following command can be used to probe backend health for the specified Kubernetes service.

curl http://\<alb-controller-pod-ip-address\>:8000/backendHealth?service-name=default/service-hello-world/80

Example output:

  "services": [
      "serviceName": "default/service-hello-world/80",
      "serviceHealth": [
          "albId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/yyyyyyyy/providers/Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/trafficControllers/zzzzzzzzzz",
          "totalEndpoints": 1,
          "totalHealthyEndpoints": 1,
          "totalUnhealthyEndpoints": 0

Detailed backend health for a specified Kubernetes service

This experience shows all endpoints that make up the service, including their corresponding health status and IP address. Endpoint status is reported as either HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY.

This experience may be accessed by specifying detailed=true in the query string to the alb-controller pod.

For example, we can verify individual endpoint health by executing the following command:

curl http://\<alb-controller-pod-ip-address\>:8000/backendHealth?service-name=default/service-hello-world/80\&detailed=true

Example output:

  "services": [
      "serviceName": "default/service-hello-world/80",
      "serviceHealth": [
          "albId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourcegroups/yyyyyyyy/providers/Microsoft.ServiceNetworking/trafficControllers/zzzzzzzzzz",
          "totalEndpoints": 1,
          "totalHealthyEndpoints": 1,
          "totalUnhealthyEndpoints": 0,
          "endpoints": [
              "address": "",
              "health": {
                "status": "HEALTHY"


ALB Controller currently surfaces metrics following text based format to be exposed to Prometheus. Access to these logs are available on port 8001 of the primary alb controller pod http://\<alb-controller-pod-ip\>:8001/metrics.

The following metrics are exposed today:

Metric Name Description
alb_connection_status Connection status to an Application Gateway for Containers resource
alb_reconnection_count Number of reconnection attempts to an Application Gateway for Containers resources
total_config_updates Number of service routing config operations
total_endpoint_updates Number of backend pool config operations
total_deployments Number of Application Gateway for Containers resource deployments
total_endpoints Number of endpoints in a service
total_healthy_endpoints Number of healthy endpoints in a service
total_unhealthy_endpoints Number of unhealthy endpoints in a service