Install Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc Cache Volumes (preview)

This article describes the steps to install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension.

Optional: increase cache disk size

Currently, the cache disk size defaults to 8 GB. If you're satisfied with the cache disk size, see the next section, Install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension.

If you use Edge Essentials, require a larger cache disk size, and already created a config.json file, append the key and value pair ("cachedStorageSize": "20Gi") to your existing config.json. Don't erase the previous contents of config.json.

If you require a larger cache disk size, create config.json with the following contents:

  "cachedStorageSize": "20Gi"

Prepare the azure-arc-containerstorage namespace

In this step, you prepare a namespace in Kubernetes for azure-arc-containerstoragee and add it to your Open Service Mesh (OSM) configuration for link security. If you want to use a namespace other than azure-arc-containerstorage, substitute it in the export extension_namespace:

export extension_namespace=azure-arc-containerstorage
kubectl create namespace "${extension_namespace}"
kubectl label namespace "${extension_namespace}"
kubectl annotate namespace "${extension_namespace}"
# Disable OSM permissive mode.
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config \
  -n "arc-osm-system" \
  -p '{"spec":{"traffic":{"enablePermissiveTrafficPolicyMode":'"false"'}}}'  \

Install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension

Install the Azure Container Storage enabled by Azure Arc extension using the following command:


If you created a config.json file from the previous steps in Prepare Linux, append --config-file "config.json" to the following az k8s-extension create command. Any values set at installation time persist throughout the installation lifetime (including manual and auto-upgrades).

az k8s-extension create --resource-group "${YOUR-RESOURCE-GROUP}" --cluster-name "${YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME}" --cluster-type connectedClusters --name hydraext --extension-type microsoft.arc.containerstorage

Next steps

Once you complete these prerequisites, you can begin to create a Persistent Volume (PV) with Storage Key Authentication.