Queries for the ACSNetworkTraversalIncomingOperations table

Distinct Network Traversal operations

Returns all distinct combinations of Network Traversal operation and version pairs.

| summarize Count = count() by OperationName, OperationVersion
| sort by Count desc
| limit 100

Calculate Network Traversal operation duration percentiles

Calculates the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of run duration in milliseconds for each Network Traversal operation. It can be customized to be run for a single operation, or for other percentiles.

// where OperationName == "<operation>" // This can be uncommented and specified to calculate only a single operation's duration percentiles
| summarize percentiles(DurationMs, 90, 95, 99) by OperationName, OperationVersion // calculate 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of each Operation
| limit 100

Network Traversal operational errors

List every Network Traversal error ordered by recency.

| where ResultType == "Failed"
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, OperationVersion, ResultSignature
| order by TimeGenerated desc
| limit 100

Network Traversal operation result counts

For every Network Traversal operation, count the types of returned results.

| summarize Count = count() by OperationName, ResultType //, ResultSignature // This can also be uncommented to determine the count of each ResultSignature for each ResultType 
| order by OperationName asc, Count desc
| limit 100