Queries for the AmlComputeClusterEvent table

Get cluster events for clusters for specific VM size

Get top 100 cluster events for clusters where the VM size is Standard_D1_V2.

| where VmSize == "STANDARD_D1_V2"
| project  ClusterName, InitialNodeCount, MaximumNodeCount, QuotaAllocated, QuotaUtilized
| limit 100

Get number of running nodes

Get number of running nodes across workspaces and clusters.

| summarize avgRunningNodes=avg(TargetNodeCount), maxRunningNodes=max(TargetNodeCount) by Workspace=tostring(split(_ResourceId, "/")[8]), ClusterName, ClusterType, VmSize, VmPriority
| limit 100

Graph of Running and Idle Node instances

Graph of Running and Idle Node instances.

| project TimeGenerated, WorkspaceName=split(_ResourceId, "/")[-1], ClusterName, ClusterType, VmSize, VmPriority, 
  InitialNodeCount , IdleNodeCount, RunningNodeCount, PreparingNodeCount, MinimumNodeCount, MaximumNodeCount , CurrentNodeCount, TargetNodeCount 
|summarize round(sum(RunningNodeCount),1), round(sum(IdleNodeCount),1) by  Hourly=bin(TimeGenerated, 60m) 
| render timechart