Queries for the OEPAirFlowTask table

DAG type vs DAG runs summary statitics

Number of DAG runs of each type of DAG type in the given time range

| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>"        // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId                               // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services 
| sort by DagName asc

Correlation IDs of all DAG runs

Correlation IDs of all the DAG runs that have occurred in the time range (for all DAG types)

| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>"        // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId                               // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services 
| summarize count() by DagName

Logs of a DAG run

Retrieves logs for a particular AirFlow DAG run given the correlationId and time range.

| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>"        // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>"                 // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services 
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content

Error logs of a DAG run

Retrieves error logs for a particular AirFlow DAG run given the correlationId and time range.

| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>"        // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>"                 // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services 
| where LogLevel  == "ERROR"
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content