Queries for the W3CIISLog table

List IIS log entries

Last 50 IIS log entries.

| top 50 by TimeGenerated desc 

Display breakdown respond codes

Display breakdown respond codes.

| summarize count() by scStatus

Maximum time taken for each page

Find maximum time taken for each page.

| summarize max(TimeTaken) by csUriStem

Show 404 pages list

Show 404 pages list.

| where scStatus == 404
| summarize count() by csUriStem
| sort by count_ desc

Average HTTP request time

Average HTTP request time for HTTP method.

| summarize avg(TimeTaken) by csMethod

Servers with internal server error

Show servers throwing internal server error.

| where scStatus == "500"  
| summarize count() by sComputerName

Count IIS log entries by HTTP request method

Count IIS log entries by HTTP request method.

| summarize count() by csMethod

Count IIS log entries by HTTP user agent

Count IIS log entries by HTTP user agent.

| summarize count() by csUserAgent

Count IIS log entries by client IP address

Count IIS log entries by client IP address.

| summarize count() by cIP

IIS log entries for client IP

IIS log entries for a client IP.

| where cIP == "" // Enter Client IP here
| project csUriStem, scBytes, csBytes, TimeTaken, scStatus, TimeGenerated
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc

Count of IIS log entries by URL

Count of IIS log entries by URL requested by client.

| summarize count() by csUriStem

Count of IIS log entries by host

Count of IIS log entries by host requested by client.

| summarize count() by csHost

Total bytes traffic by client IP

Total bytes sent and received by client IP address.

| summarize BytesSent = sum(csBytes), BytesReceived = sum(scBytes) by cIP

Bytes received by each IIS computer

Total bytes received by each IIS computer.

| summarize sum_csBytes = sum(csBytes) by Computer 
| top 500 by sum_csBytes desc

Bytes responded to clients by each IIS server IP

Total bytes responded to clients by each IIS server IP address.

| summarize sum(scBytes) by sIP

Average HTTP request time by client IP

Average HTTP request time by client IP address.

| summarize avg(TimeTaken) by cIP