Quickstart: Deploy Azure AI Video Indexer (VI) by using Bicep

Using this quickstart, you can create an Azure AI Video Indexer (VI) account by using Bicep.

The following resources are installed using the Bicep template:

  • Azure Storage account. Storage accounts for VI must be a Standard general-purpose v2 storage account.
  • VI account with a connection to the storage account using a system assigned managed identity
  • The Storage Blob Data Contributor role assignment for the VI account on the storage account


  • An Azure subscription with permission to create resources.
  • The latest version of the Azure CLI.
  • Recommended: Bicep tools.

Review the Bicep file

The code that accompanies this quickstart can be found in the Official Azure AI Video Indexer Samples.

The main.bicep file orchestrates the installation of two modules:

  • The VI module that deploys the VI account with its dependent Azure Storage account resource.
  • The Role Permission module that grants the VI identity the Azure Blob Storage Data Owner permission on the storage account.


It is a good practice to separate Azure resources to multiple Bicep modules. For a comprehensive understanding of how Bicep modules work, see Bicep modules - Azure Resource Manager.

Create the Bicep file

  1. Copy and paste the following content to a file called main.bicep in your working directory.

    param location string = resourceGroup().location 
    @description('Storage Account Name') 
    param storageAccountName string = “<add_your_storage_account_name” 
    @description('Video Indexer Account Name') 
    param videoIndexerAccountName string = = “<add_your_videoindexer_account_name>” 
    module videoIndexer 'videoIndexer.bicep' = { 
      name: 'videoIndexer.bicep' 
      params: { 
        location: location 
        storageAccountName: storageAccountName 
        videoIndexerAccountName: videoIndexerAccountName 
    // Role Assignment must be on a separate resource  
    module roleAssignment 'role-assignment.bicep' = { 
      name: 'grant-storage-blob-data-contributor' 
      params: { 
        servicePrincipalObjectId: videoIndexer.outputs.servicePrincipalId 
        storageAccountName: storageAccountName 
      dependsOn: [ 
  2. Edit the main.bicep file by filling in the missing parameters:

    • storageAccountName - the name of the storage account you want connected to the Azure AI Video Indexer account
    • videoIndexerAccountName - the VI account name

Create a Video AI Indexer Bicep module

Copy and paste the following content to a file called videoindexer.bicep in your working directory. The file deploys the storage account along with a VI account with a system assigned identity.

param location string = resourceGroup().location 
@description('Storage Account Name') 
param storageAccountName string 
@description('Video Indexer Account Name') 
param videoIndexerAccountName string 
@description('Storage Account Kind') 
var storageKind = 'StorageV2' 
@description('Storage Account Sku') 
var storageSku = 'Standard_LRS' 
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-04-01' = { 
  name: storageAccountName 
  location: location 
  kind: storageKind 
  properties: { 
    minimumTlsVersion: 'TLS1_2' 
  sku: { 
    name: storageSku 

resource videoIndexer 'Microsoft.VideoIndexer/accounts@2024-01-01' = { 
  name: videoIndexerAccountName 
  location: location 
  identity: { 
    type: 'SystemAssigned' 

  properties: { 
    storageServices: { 
      resourceId: storageAccount.id 

output storageAccountName string = storageAccount.name 
output accountName string = videoIndexer.name 
output servicePrincipalId string = videoIndexer.identity.principalId 

Create a role assignment Bicep module

Copy and paste the following content to a file called role-assignment.bicep in your working directory. The module grants the system assigned identity the role of Storage Blob Data Contributor on the storage account of the VI account.

param servicePrincipalObjectId string 
param storageAccountName string
@description('Storage Blob Data Contributor Role Id') 
var storageBlobDataContributorRoleId = 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe' 
resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-04-01' existing= { 
  name: storageAccountName 

resource roleAssignment 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-04-01-preview' = { 
  name: guid(storageAccount.id, servicePrincipalObjectId, 'Storage Blob Data Contributor')  
  scope: storageAccount  
  properties: { 
    roleDefinitionId: subscriptionResourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', storageBlobDataContributorRoleId)  
    principalId: servicePrincipalObjectId 
    principalType: 'ServicePrincipal'

Deploy the Bicep files

  1. Open a terminal and ensure that you're signed in to your Azure subscription.

    az login

    az account set --subscription <your-subscription-name>

  2. Create a resource group.

    az group create -n <your-resource-group-name> -l eastus

  3. Deploy the template to the resource group.

    az deployment group create --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --template-file .\main.template.json

  4. Wait for the deployment to finish and inspect the created resource on Azure portal.

If you're new to Azure AI Video Indexer, see:

If you're new to Bicep deployment, see: