Customize the button bar

To implement custom actions or modify the current button layout, you can interact with the Native UI Library's API. This API involves defining custom button configurations, specifying actions, and managing the button bar's current actions. The API provides methods for adding custom actions, and removing existing buttons, all of which are accessible via straightforward function calls.

This functionality provides a high degree of customization, and ensures that the user interface remains cohesive and consistent with the application's overall design.


Set up the feature

Remove buttons

CallCompositeCallScreenControlBarOptions, allow the flexibility to customize the button bar by removing specific buttons such as camera, microphone, and audio controls. This API allows you to tailor the user interface according to their specific application requirements and user experience design. Just set the visible or enabled to false for the CallCompositeButtonViewData to hide or disable button.

val controlBarOptions = CallCompositeCallScreenControlBarOptions()

val cameraButton = CallCompositeButtonViewData()


val callScreenOptions = CallCompositeCallScreenOptions()

val localOptions = CallCompositeLocalOptions()

val callComposite = CallCompositeBuilder()

callComposite.launch(context, locator, localOptions)

Button can be updated after launching call composite.


Add custom actions

Call composite is using Fluent UI icons. You can download the icons directly from the Fluent UI GitHub repository and incorporate them into your project as needed. This approach guarantees visual consistency across all user interface elements, enhancing the overall user experience.

val controlBarOptions = CallCompositeCallScreenControlBarOptions()

            "My button",
            fun(it: CallCompositeCustomButtonClickEvent) {
                // Process my button onClick

val callScreenOptions = CallCompositeCallScreenOptions()

val localOptions = CallCompositeLocalOptions()

val callComposite = CallCompositeBuilder()

callComposite.launch(context, locator, localOptions)

Similar to Call composite provided buttons, custom buttons are updatable after the launch.


Remove or disable buttons

CallScreenControlBarOptions, allow the flexibility to customize the button bar by removing specific buttons such as camera, microphone, and audio controls. This API allows you to tailor the user interface according to their specific application requirements and user experience design. Just set the visible or enabled to false for the ButtonViewData to hide or disable button.

let cameraButton = ButtonViewData(visible: false)

let callScreenControlBarOptions = CallScreenControlBarOptions(
    cameraButton: cameraButton

let callScreenOptions = CallScreenOptions(controlBarOptions: callScreenControlBarOptions)
let localOptions = LocalOptions(callScreenOptions: callScreenOptions)

let callComposite = CallComposite(credential: credential)
callComposite.launch(locator: .roomCall(roomId: "..."), localOptions: localOptions)

Button can be updated after launching call composite.

cameraButton.visible = true

Add custom actions

Call composite is using Fluent UI icons. You can download the icons directly from the Fluent UI GitHub repository and incorporate them into your project as needed. This approach guarantees visual consistency across all user interface elements, enhancing the overall user experience.

let customButton = CustomButtonOptions(image: UIImage(named: "...")!,
                                       title: "My button") {_ in
    // Process my button onClick

let callScreenControlBarOptions = CallScreenControlBarOptions(
    customButtons: [customButton]

let callScreenOptions = CallScreenOptions(controlBarOptions: callScreenControlBarOptions)
let localOptions = LocalOptions(callScreenOptions: callScreenOptions)

let callComposite = CallComposite(credential: credential)
callComposite.launch(locator: .roomCall(roomId: "..."), localOptions: localOptions)

Similar to Call composite provided buttons, custom buttons are updatable after the launch.

customButton.enabled = true

Next steps