Filter and view subscriptions

When you view subscriptions on the Subscriptions page, you see a list of subscriptions that you have access to. Two filters affect how you view the list of subscriptions on the Subscriptions page:

  • Global subscription filter
  • Subscriptions list filter

Subscriptions are shown for the directory that you're signed in to. If you have access to multiple directories, you can switch directories to view subscriptions for each directory.

Global subscription filter

The global subscription filter is the default subscriptions filter. You access it from the filter in the top-left area of the Subscriptions page and then you select a link labeled global subscriptions filter. You use the global subscription filter to view every subscription that you have access to with the Select all option.

The filter that you set with the global subscription filter persists. In other words, the applied filter affects how subscriptions appear in other views until you update the filter.


Use the global filter Select all option when you want to always view every subscription that you have permission to view.

Apply a global subscription filter

When you apply the global subscription filter, you can choose either Select all or a subset of subscriptions. By default, Select all is applied.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Subscriptions.
  2. In the top left area of the page, select the filter option.
  3. Select the link labeled global subscriptions filter.
    Screenshot showing the global subscriptions filter link.
  4. On the Portal settings | Directory + subscriptions page, under Default subscription filter, select the Select all option or select a subset of subscriptions.
    Screenshot showing the default subscription filter.
  5. Navigate to Subscriptions to view the list of subscriptions, based on your filter selection.

Subscriptions list filter

The second filter is the filter on the Subscriptions page. The filter that you set there's temporary. So, it doesn't persist when you navigate away from the Subscriptions page or when you leave or sign out of the Azure portal.

When you navigate to the Subscriptions page, the list of subscriptions shown is based on the global subscription filter.

Apply a subscriptions list a temporary filter

The All option is based on what is or what isn't already filtered by the global subscription filter. So, if you select All but you don't see the results you expect, you can clear or select the Show only subscriptions selected in the global subscriptions filter option.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Subscriptions.
  2. In the top left area of the page, select the filter option.
  3. In the list of subscriptions to filter, either select a subset of subscriptions or select All.
  4. If needed, clear the Show only subscriptions selected in the global subscriptions filter option to temporarily override the global filter. Or, enable it to temporarily apply the global filter.
    Screenshot showing the Show only subscriptions selected in the global subscription filter option.
  5. Select Apply.

View subscriptions

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Subscriptions.
  2. The list of subscriptions is shown.
  3. If needed, update the global subscription filter or apply a subscriptions list filter.
    Screenshot showing the Subscriptions list.

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