Archival support in Azure Databricks


This feature is in Public Preview for Databricks Runtime 13.3 LTS and above.

Archival support in Azure Databricks introduces a collection of capabilities that enable you to use cloud-based lifecycle policies on cloud object storage containing Delta tables.


Azure Databricks has archival support for only Azure Archive. See Azure docs on optimizing costs with lifecycle management.

Why should you enable archival support?

Archival support only allows queries that can be answered correctly without touching archived files. These queries include those that either:

  • Query metadata only.
  • Have filters that do not require scanning any archived files.

All queries that require data in archived files fail.


Azure Databricks never returns results for queries that require archived files to return the correct result.

Without archival support, operations against Delta tables might break because data files or transaction log files have moved to archived locations and are unavailable when queried. Archival support introduces optimizations to avoid querying archived data when possible. It also adds new syntax to identify files that must be restored from archival storage to complete queries.

Enabling archival support for a table in Azure Databricks does not create or alter lifecycle policies defined for your cloud object storage. For desired results, your cloud lifecycle policy and the delta.timeUntilArchived setting should be equal.

Queries optimized for archived data

Archival support in Azure Databricks optimizes the following queries against Delta tables:

Query New behavior
SELECT * FROM <table_name> LIMIT <limit> [WHERE <partition_predicate>] Automatically ignore archived files and return results from data in a non-archived storage tier.
Delta Lake maintenance commands: OPTIMIZE, ZORDER, ANALYZE, PURGE Automatically ignore archived files and run maintenance on the rest of the table.
DDL and DML statements that overwrite data or delete data, including the following: REPLACE TABLE, INSERT OVERWRITE, TRUNCATE TABLE, DROP TABLE Mark transaction log entries for target archived data files as deleted.
FSCK REPAIR TABLE Ignore archived files and only check for files that haven’t reached lifecycle policy.

See Limitations.

Early failure and error messages

For queries that must scan archived files to generate correct results, configuring archival support for Delta Lake ensures the following:

  • Queries fail early if they attempt to access archived files, reducing wasted compute and allowing users to adapt and re-run queries quickly.
  • Error messages inform users that a query has failed because the query attempted to access archived files.

Users can generate a report of files that must be restored using the SHOW ARCHIVED FILES syntax. See Show archived files.


If you get the error Not enough files to satisfy LIMIT, your table does not have enough data rows in unarchived files to satisfy the number of records specified by LIMIT. Lower the LIMIT clause to find enough unarchived rows to meet the specified LIMIT.

Enable archival support

You enable archival support in Azure Databricks for Delta tables by manually specifying the archival interval configured in the underlying cloud lifecycle management policy, as in the following example syntax:

ALTER TABLE <table_name> SET TBLPROPERTIES(delta.timeUntilArchived = 'X days');

Enabling archival support effectively tells Azure Databricks to ignore files that are older than the specified period. If you enable this setting without having lifecycle policies set for your cloud object storage, Azure Databricks still ignores files based on this specified threshold, but no data is archived.

Delta Lake does not directly interact with the lifecycle management policies configured in your cloud account. If you update the policy in your cloud account, you must update the policy on your Delta table. See Change the lifecycle management transition rule.


Archival support relies entirely on compatible Azure Databricks compute environments and only works for Delta tables. Configuring archival support does not change behavior, compatibility, or support in OSS Delta Lake clients or Databricks Runtime 12.2 LTS and below.

Show archived files

To identify files that must be restored to complete a given query, use SHOW ARCHIVED FILES, as in the following example:

SHOW ARCHIVED FILES FOR table_name [ WHERE predicate ];

This operation returns URIs for archived files as a Spark DataFrame. Restore the necessary archived files following documented instructions from your object storage provider. For information on how Azure Databricks checks for restored data, see How does Azure Databricks sample for restored data?.


During this operation, Delta Lake only has access to the data statistics contained in the transaction log. By default, these are the following statistics collected on the first 32 columns in the table:

  • Minimum values
  • Maximum values
  • Null counts
  • Total number of records

The files returned include all archived files that must be read to determine whether or not records fulfilling a predicate exist in the file. Databricks recommends providing predicates that include fields on which data is partitioned, z-ordered, or clustered to reduce the number of files that must be restored.

Update or delete archived data

The operation fails if you run a MERGE, UPDATE, or DELETE operation that impacts data in archived files. You must restore data to a storage tier that supports fast retrieval to run these operations. Use SHOW ARCHIVED FILES to determine the files that you must restore.

How does Azure Databricks sample for restored data?

When Azure Databricks prepares a scan over a table with archival support enabled, it samples files older than the specified retention period required by the query to determine whether or not files have been restored.

If the results indicate the sampled files presumed to be archived have been restored, Azure Databricks assumes all files for the query have been restored and the query processes.


The following limitations exist:

  • No support exists for lifecycle management policies that are not based on file creation time. This includes access-time-based policies and tag-based policies.
  • You cannot use DROP COLUMN on a table with archived files.
  • REORG TABLE APPLY PURGE makes a best-effort attempt, but only works on deletion vector files and referenced data files that are not archived. PURGE cannot delete archived deletion vector files.
  • Extending the lifecycle management transition rule results in unexpected behavior. See Extend the lifecycle management transition rule.

Change the lifecycle management transition rule

If you change the time interval for your cloud lifecycle management transition rule, you must update the property delta.timeUntilArchived.

If the time interval before archival is shortened (less time since file creation), archival support for the Delta table continues functioning normally after the table property is updated.

Extend the lifecycle management transition rule

If the time interval before archival is extended (to add more time before archival is triggered), updating the property delta.timeUntilArchived to the new value can lead to errors. Cloud providers do not automatically restore files from archived storage when data retention policies are changed. This means that files previously eligible for archival but now not considered eligible for archival are still archived.


To avoid errors, never set the property delta.timeUntilArchived to a value greater than the actual age of the most recently archived data.

Consider a scenario in which the time interval for archival is changed from 60 days to 90 days:

  1. All records between 60 and 90 days old are archived when the policy changes.
  2. For 30 days, no new files are archived (the oldest non-archived files are 60 days old when the policy is extended).
  3. After 30 days, the lifecycle policy correctly describes all archived data.

The delta.timeUntilArchived setting tracks the set time interval against the file creation time recorded by the Delta transaction log. It does not have explicit knowledge of the underlying policy. During the lag period between the old archival threshold and the new archival threshold, you can take one of the following approaches to avoid querying archived files:

  1. You can leave the setting delta.timeUntilArchived with the old threshold until enough time has passed for all files to be archived.
    • Following the example above, each day for the first 30 days, another day’s worth of data would be considered archived by Azure Databricks but still needs to be archived by the cloud provider. This does not result in an error but ignores some data files that could be queried.
    • After 30 days, update the delta.timeUntilArchived to 90 days.
  2. You can update the setting delta.timeUntilArchived each day to reflect the current interval during the lag period.
    • While the cloud policy is set to 90 days, the actual age of archived data changes in real-time. For example, after 7 days, setting delta.timeUntilArchived to 67 days accurately reflects the age of all archived data files.
    • This approach is only necessary if you must access all data in hot tiers.


Updating the value for delta.timeUntilArchived does not change which data is archived. It only changes which data Azure Databricks treats as if it were archived.