Deploy a FHIR service within Azure Health Data Services - using ARM template

In this article, you'll learn how to deploy FHIR® service within the Azure Health Data Services using the Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template). We provide two options: using PowerShell or using CLI.

An ARM template is a JSON file that defines the infrastructure and configuration for your project. The template uses declarative syntax. In declarative syntax, you describe your intended deployment without writing the sequence of programming commands to create the deployment.


Review the ARM template

The template used in this article is from Azure Quickstart Templates.

The template defines three Azure resources:

  • Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces
  • Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices
  • Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts


Local RBAC is deprecated. Access Policies configuration associated with Local RBAC in ARM templates are deprecated. Existing customers using Local RBAC need to migrate to Azure RBAC by November 2024. For questions, please contact us.

You can deploy the FHIR service resource by removing the workspaces resource, the storage resource, and the dependsOn property in the “Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices” resource.

    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "authorityurl": {
            "type": "string",
            "defaultValue": ""
        "tagName": {
            "type": "string",
            "defaultValue": "My Deployment"
        "region": {
            "type": "string",
                  "allowedValues": [
        "workspaceName": {
            "type": "string"
        "fhirServiceName": {
            "type": "string"
        "tenantid": {
            "type": "string"
        "storageAccountName": {
            "type": "string"
        "storageAccountConfirm": {
            "type": "bool",
            "defaultValue": true
        "AccessPolicies": {
            "type": "array",
            "defaultValue": []
        "smartProxyEnabled": {
            "type": "bool",
            "defaultValue": false
    "variables": { 
        "authority": "[Concat(parameters('authorityurl'), '/', parameters('tenantid'))]",
        "createManagedIdentity": true,
        "managedIdentityType": {
            "type": "SystemAssigned"
        "storageBlobDataContributerRoleId": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/', 'ba92f5b4-2d11-453d-a403-e96b0029c9fe')]"
    "resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces",
            "name": "[parameters('workspaceName')]",
            "apiVersion": "2023-11-01",
            "location": "[parameters('region')]",
            "properties": {}
            "type": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices",
            "kind": "fhir-R4",
            "name": "[concat(parameters('workspaceName'), '/', parameters('fhirServiceName'))]",
            "apiVersion": "2023-11-01",
            "location": "[parameters('region')]",
            "dependsOn": [
                "[resourceId('Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces', parameters('workspaceName'))]"
            "tags": {
                "environmentName": "[parameters('tagName')]"
            "properties": {
                "accessPolicies": "[parameters('AccessPolicies')]",
                "authenticationConfiguration": {
                    "authority": "[variables('Authority')]",
                    "audience": "[concat('https//', parameters('workspaceName'), '-', parameters('fhirServiceName'), '')]",
                    "smartProxyEnabled": "[parameters('smartProxyEnabled')]"
                "corsConfiguration": {
                    "allowCredentials": false,
                    "headers": ["*"],
                    "maxAge": 1440,
                    "methods": ["DELETE", "GET", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"],
                    "origins": ["https://localhost:6001"]
                "exportConfiguration": {
                    "storageAccountName": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]"
            "identity": "[if(variables('createManagedIdentity'), variables('managedIdentityType'), json('null'))]"
            "name": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]",
            "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
            "apiVersion": "2019-06-01",
            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
            "properties": {
                "supportsHttpsTrafficOnly": "true"
            "condition": "[parameters('storageAccountConfirm')]",
            "dependsOn": [
            "sku": {
                "name": "Standard_LRS"
            "kind": "Storage",
            "tags": {
                "environmentName": "[parameters('tagName')]",
                "test-account-rg": "true"
    "outputs": {

Deploy ARM template

You can deploy the ARM template using two options: PowerShell or CLI.

The following sample code uses the template in the “templates” subfolder of the subfolder “src”. You may want to change the location path to reference the template file properly.

The deployment process takes a few minutes to complete. Take a note of the names for the FHIR service and the resource group, which you use later.

Deploy the template: using PowerShell

To deploy the FHIR service, run the code in PowerShell locally, in Visual Studio Code, or in Azure Cloud Shell.

If you haven't logged in to Azure, use "Connect-AzAccount" to log in. Once you've logged in, use "Get-AzContext" to verify the subscription and tenant you want to use. You can change the subscription and tenant if needed.

You can create a new resource group, or use an existing one by skipping the step, or commenting out the line starting with “New-AzResourceGroup”.

### variables
$resourcegroupname="your resource group"
$location="South Central US"
$workspacename="your workspace name"
$fhirservicename="your fhir service name"
$storageaccountname="storage account name"

### login to azure
#Connect-AzAccount SubscriptionId $subscriptionid
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionid
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $tenantid -SubscriptionId $subscriptionid

### create resource group
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourcegroupname -Location $location

### deploy the resource
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupname -TemplateFile "src/templates/fhirtemplate.json" -region $location -workspaceName $workspacename -fhirServiceName $fhirservicename -tenantid $tenantid -storageAccountName $storageaccountname -storageAccountConfirm $storageaccountconfirm

Review the deployed resources

You can verify that the FHIR service is up and running by opening a browser and navigating to https://<yourfhir servic> If the capability statement is displayed or downloaded automatically, your deployment is successful.

Clean up the resources

When the resource is no longer needed, run the following code to delete the resource group.

$resourceGroupName = “your resource group name”
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName

Next steps

In this quickstart guide, you've deployed the FHIR service within Azure Health Data Services using an ARM template. For more information about FHIR service supported features, see.


FHIR® is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.