Groups and roles for Oracle Database@Azure

This article lists the groups and roles used to manage access to Oracle Database@Azure. Using these groups and roles ensures that assigned users have the appropriate permissions to operate the service.

Groups and roles in Azure

Use the following groups in your Azure account.

Group name Azure role assigned description
odbaa-exa-infra-administrators odbaa-exa-infra-administrator This group is for administrators who need to manage all Oracle Exadata Database Service resources in Azure
odbaa-vm-cluster-administrators odbaa-vm-cluster-administrator User in this group can administer VM cluster resources in Azure
odbaa-db-family-administrators not applicable This group is replicated in OCI during the optional identity federation process. OCI policies are defined for this group in the Oracle Cloud environment.
odbaa-db-family-readers not applicable This group is replicated in OCI during the optional identity federation process. OCI policies are defined for this group in the Oracle Cloud environment.
odbaa-exa-cdb-administrators not applicable This group is replicated in OCI during the optional identity federation process. OCI policies are defined for this group in the Oracle Cloud environment.
odbaa-exa-pdb-administrators not applicable This group is replicated in OCI during the optional identity federation process. OCI policies are defined for this group in the Oracle Cloud environment.

Groups in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Use the following groups in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy.

Group name Description
odbaa-db-family-administrators Users this group are administrators who manage database family actions.
odbaa-db-family-readers Users this group are administrators who read database family actions.
odbaa-exa-cdb-administrators Users this group are administrators who manage Oracle Container Database (CDB) actions.
odbaa-exa-pdb-administrators Users this group are administrators who manage Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) actions.

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