Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Azure Container Storage Preview

Azure Container Storage is a cloud-based volume management, deployment, and orchestration service built natively for containers.

General questions

  • What's the difference between Azure Container Storage and Azure CSI drivers?
    Azure Container Storage is built natively for containers and provides a storage solution that's optimized for creating and managing volumes for running production-scale stateful container applications. Other Azure CSI drivers provide a standard storage solution that can be used with different container orchestrators and support the specific type of storage solution per CSI driver definition.

  • In which Azure regions is Azure Container Storage available?

    Azure Container Storage is only available for a subset of Azure regions:

    • (Africa) South Africa North
    • (Asia Pacific) Australia East
    • (Asia Pacific) East Asia
    • (Asia Pacific) Japan East
    • (Asia Pacific) Korea Central
    • (Asia Pacific) Southeast Asia
    • (Asia Pacific) Central India
    • (Europe) France Central
    • (Europe) Germany West Central
    • (Europe) North Europe
    • (Europe) West Europe
    • (Europe) UK South
    • (Europe) Sweden Central
    • (Europe) Switzerland North
    • (Middle East) UAE North
    • (North America) East US
    • (North America) East US 2
    • (North America) West US
    • (North America) West US 2
    • (North America) West US 3
    • (North America) Central US
    • (North America) North Central US
    • (North America) South Central US
    • (North America) West Central US
    • (North America) Canada Central
    • (North America) Canada East
    • (South America) Brazil South
  • What parameters can I specify for the storage pool that's created when Azure Container Storage is installed with the az aks create command?
    Refer to this article for the mandatory and optional storage pool parameters, along with their default values.

  • Which other Azure services does Azure Container Storage support?
    Currently, Azure Container Storage supports only Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with storage pools provided by Azure Disks, Ephemeral Disk, or Azure Elastic SAN.

  • Does Azure Container Storage support read-write-many (RWX) workloads?
    Azure Container Storage doesn't support RWX workloads. However, Azure's first-party Files and Blob CSI drivers are great alternatives and fully supported.

  • Is there any performance impact when upgrading to a new version of Azure Container Storage?
    If you leave autoupgrade turned on (recommended), you might experience temporary I/O latency during the upgrade process. If you turn off autoupgrade and install the new version manually, there won't be any impact; however, you won't get the benefit of automatic upgrades and instant access to new features.

  • How do I remove Azure Container Storage?
    See Remove Azure Container Storage.

  • Does Azure Container Storage support Windows containers on AKS?
    No, Azure Container Storage only supports AKS containers running on Ubuntu and Azure Linux nodes.

Billing and pricing

See also