Elastic SAN metrics

Azure offers metrics in the Azure portal that provide insight into your Elastic SAN resources. This article provides definitions of the specific metrics you can select to monitor.

Metrics definitions

The following metrics are currently available for your Elastic SAN resource. You can configure and view them in the Azure portal:

Metric Definition
Used Capacity The total amount of storage used in your SAN resources. At the SAN level, it's the sum of capacity used by volume groups and volumes, in bytes.
Transactions The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests that produced errors.
E2E Latency The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to the resource or the specified API operation.
Server Latency The average time used to process a successful request. This value doesn't include the network latency specified in E2E Latency.
Ingress The amount of ingress data. This number includes ingress to the resource from external clients as well as ingress within Azure.
Egress The amount of egress data. This number includes egress from the resource to external clients as well as egress within Azure.

All metrics are shown at the elastic SAN level.

Diagnostic logging

You can configure the diagnostic settings of your elastic SAN to send Azure platform logs and metrics to different destinations. Currently, there are two log configurations:

  • All - Every resource log offered by the resource.
  • Audit - All resource logs that record customer interactions with data or the settings of the service.

Audit logs are an attempt by each resource provider to provide the most relevant audit data, but might not be considered sufficient from an auditing standards perspective.

Available log categories:

  • Write Success Requests
  • Write Failed Requests
  • Read Success Requests
  • Read Failed Requests
  • Persistent Reservation Requests
  • SendTargets Requests

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