QuickStart: Connect a Synapse workspace to a Microsoft Purview account

In this quickstart, you will register a Microsoft Purview Account to a Synapse workspace. That connection allows you to discover Microsoft Purview assets, interact with them through Synapse capabilities, and push lineage information to Microsoft Purview.

You can perform the following tasks in Synapse:

  • Use the search box at the top to find Microsoft Purview assets based on keywords
  • Understand the data based on metadata, lineage, annotations
  • Connect those data to your workspace with linked services or integration datasets
  • Analyze those datasets with Synapse Apache Spark, Synapse SQL, and Data Flow
  • Execute pipelines and push lineage information to Microsoft Purview


Permissions for connecting a Microsoft Purview account

To connect a Microsoft Purview Account to a Synapse workspace, you need a Contributor role in Synapse workspace from Azure portal IAM and you need access to that Microsoft Purview Account. For more information, see Microsoft Purview permissions.

Connect a Microsoft Purview account

Follow the steps to connect a Microsoft Purview account:

  1. Go to https://web.azuresynapse.net and sign in to your Synapse workspace.
  2. Go to Manage -> Microsoft Purview, select Connect to a Microsoft Purview account.
  3. You can choose From Azure subscription or Enter manually. From Azure subscription, you can select the account that you have access to.
  4. Once connected, you can see the name of the Microsoft Purview account in the tab Microsoft Purview account.

If your Microsoft Purview account is protected by firewall, create the managed private endpoints for Microsoft Purview. Learn more about how to let Azure Synapse access a secured Microsoft Purview account. You can either do it during the initial connection or edit an existing connection later.

The Microsoft Purview connection information is stored in the Synapse workspace resource like the following. To establish the connection programmatically, you can update the Synapse workspace and add the purviewConfiguration settings.

    "name": "ContosoSynapseWorkspace",
    "type": "Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces",
    "location": "<region>",
    "properties": {
        "purviewConfiguration": {
            "purviewResourceId": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupname>/providers/Microsoft.Purview/accounts/<PurviewAccountName>"
    "identity": {...},

Set up authentication

Synapse workspace's managed identity is used to authenticate lineage push operations from Synapse workspace to Microsoft Purview.

Grant the Synapse workspace's managed identity Data Curator role on your Microsoft Purview root collection. Learn more about Access control in Microsoft Purview and Add roles and restrict access through collections.

When connecting Synapse workspace to Microsoft Purview in Synapse Studio, Synapse tries to add such role assignment automatically. If you have Collection admins role on the Microsoft Purview root collection and have access to Microsoft Purview account from your network, this operation is done successfully.

Monitor Microsoft Purview connection

Once you connect the Synapse workspace to a Microsoft Purview account, you see the following page with details on the enabled integration capabilities.

Screenshot for monitoring the integration status between Azure Synapse and Microsoft Purview.

For Data Lineage - Synapse Pipeline, you may see one of below status:

  • Connected: The Synapse workspace is successfully connected to the Microsoft Purview account. Note this indicates Synapse workspace is associated with a Microsoft Purview account and has permission to push lineage to it. If your Microsoft Purview account is protected by firewall, you also need to make sure the integration runtime used to execute the activities and conduct lineage push can reach the Microsoft Purview account. Learn more from Access a secured Microsoft Purview account.

  • Disconnected: The Synapse workspace cannot push lineage to Microsoft Purview because Microsoft Purview Data Curator role is not granted to Synapse workspace's managed identity. To fix this issue, go to your Microsoft Purview account to check the role assignments, and manually grant the role as needed. Learn more from Set up authentication section.

  • Unknown: Azure Synapse cannot check the status. Possible reasons are:

    • Cannot reach the Microsoft Purview account from your current network because the account is protected by firewall. You can launch the Synapse Studio from a private network that has connectivity to your Microsoft Purview account instead.
    • You don't have permission to check role assignments on the Microsoft Purview account. You can contact the Microsoft Purview account admin to check the role assignments for you. Learn about the needed Microsoft Purview role from Set up authentication section.


Disconnected status doesn't impact you to use catalog search feature within Azure Synapse; it continues to work if the data readers role is granted at the Microsoft purview collection level.

Report lineage to Microsoft Purview

Once you connect the Synapse workspace to a Microsoft Purview account, when you execute pipelines, Synapse reports lineage information to the Microsoft Purview account. For detailed supported capabilities and an end to end walkthrough, see Metadata and lineage from Azure Synapse Analytics.

Discover and explore data using Microsoft Purview

Once you connect the Synapse workspace to a Microsoft Purview account, you can use the search bar at the top center of Synapse workspace to search for data and perform actions. Learn more from Discover, connect and explore data in Synapse using Microsoft Purview.

Next steps

Discover, connect and explore data in Synapse using Microsoft Purview

Metadata and lineage from Azure Synapse Analytics

Access a secured Microsoft Purview account

Register and scan Azure Synapse assets in Microsoft Purview

Get lineage from Power BI into Microsoft Purview

Connect Azure Data Share and Microsoft Purview