Dadsv6 sizes series


This VM series is currently in Preview. See the Preview Terms Of Use | Microsoft Azure for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

Dadsv6-series VMs utilize AMD's 4th Generation EPYCTM 9004 processors that can achieve a boosted maximum frequency of 3.7GHz. These virtual machines offer up to 96 vCPU and 384 GiB of RAM. The Dadsv6-series sizes offer a combination of vCPU, memory and fast local NVMe temporary storage for most production workloads. Dadsv6-series virtual machines support Standard SSD, Standard HDD, and Premium SSD disk types. You can also attach Ultra Disk storage based on its regional availability. Disk storage is billed separately from virtual machines. 

Host specifications

Part Quantity
Count Units
SKU ID, Performance Units, etc.
Processor 2 - 96 vCPUs AMD EPYC 9004 (Genoa) [x86-64]
Memory 8 - 384 GiB
Local Storage 1 - 6 Disks 110 - 880 GiB
37500 - 1800000 IOPS (RR)
180 - 8640 MBps (RR)
Remote Storage 4 - 32 Disks 4000 - 175000 IOPS
90 - 4320 MBps
Network 2 - 8 NICs 12500 - 40000 Mbps
Accelerators None

Feature support

Premium Storage: Supported
Premium Storage caching: Supported
Live Migration: Not Supported
Memory Preserving Updates: Supported
Generation 2 VMs: Supported
Generation 1 VMs: Not Supported
Accelerated Networking: Supported
Ephemeral OS Disk: Not Supported
Nested Virtualization: Supported

Sizes in series

vCPUs (Qty.) and Memory for each size

Size Name vCPUs (Qty.) Memory (GB)
Standard_D2ads_v6 2 8
Standard_D4ads_v6 4 16
Standard_D8ads_v6 8 32
Standard_D16ads_v6 16 64
Standard_D32ads_v6 32 128
Standard_D48ads_v6 48 192
Standard_D64ads_v6 64 256
Standard_D96ads_v6 96 384

VM Basics resources

Other size information

List of all available sizes: Sizes

Pricing Calculator: Pricing Calculator

Information on Disk Types: Disk Types

Next steps

Learn more about how Azure compute units (ACU) can help you compare compute performance across Azure SKUs.

Check out Azure Dedicated Hosts for physical servers able to host one or more virtual machines assigned to one Azure subscription.

Learn how to Monitor Azure virtual machines.