This sample provides a working Microsoft® BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) RNIFSend.aspx file that prepares a message for RNIF processing, and sends the message to the RNIFReceive.aspx page at the responder. You can customize the ASPX page to do the following:
Add or remove performance counters
Add functionality to the page, such as writing data to a database or customizing tracking functionality
Add validation to the page
This sample is located in <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet\SDK\WebApplication\RNIFSender.
This sample demonstrates how to prepare outgoing messages for RNIF processing, including the following:
Validating the data for the MIME header
Adding a MIME header and MIME boundaries to the message
Sending the message to the partner's RNIFReceive.aspx
Processing a returned signal message