Improved behavior of non-replacing lookups


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Some lookups in Finance and Operations are non-replacing, meaning that when a value is selected from the lookup, it doesn’t replace what was already in the field, but instead it appends the selected value into the field. As an example, the lookups in the Advanced filter/sort dialog are non-replacing by default.

The behavior of non-replacing lookups has been improved in the following ways:

  • Type-ahead behavior has been turned off for non-replacing lookups.

  • Only characters typed after the lookup has been opened are used to position in the lookup grid.

  • The selected value from the lookup is appended to what was in the field before the lookup was opened (that is, any characters typed while the lookup was open are replaced when appending the selected value from the lookup).

  • A new icon now appears on non-replacing lookups to visually differentiate them from regular lookups.

These adjustments make it easier for users to filter data using the Advanced filter/sort dialog.